proszę o przetł. tych zdań jest to opis kuchni.
Okno jest na przecwiko stołu. Na stole leżą kosmetyki. obok okna wisi gaśnica. nad stołem wisi tablica z notatkami.po lewej stronie jest górze jest żyrandol. kuchanka gazowa jest w środku. kuchnia jest koloru niebieskiego.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The window is opposite the table. There are cosmetics on the table. Beside the window there is a fire extinguisher. Over the table there is a notes board. To the left there is a washing sink. Above there is a chandelier. The gas oven is in the middle. The kitchen is blue.
window is opposite the table. On the table lie the cosmetics.Near window hangs the fire-extinguisher. Over the table hangs board with notes.After the left side is sink. Up is the chandelier.The gas cooker is in the centre.The kitchen is the blue colour.