September 2018 2 26 Report

Proszę o poprawną korekte , pilne....

Mam opisać obrazek w punktach odpowiadając na pytania . Na obrazku widac kobiete na wystawie psów ubraną w czarną sukienkę i jakąś wstęge, z jakimś psem , puchar , dywan... Pani kazala zwrocic uwage na Can I...

prosze o poprawienie i ewentualnie dodanie czegoś ciekawego w zdaniach poniżej... NAjbardziej chodzi o spójność i odpowiednie czasy i wgl

1)In the picture I can see Woman with her dog

2)She"s about fourteen years old

3)she has got a black dress and yellow ribbon

4)She has got a dog

5)The dog is very nice

6)I dont know ,meybe she is from city

7)Her parents probably are by Jurors

8)She is the dog show

9)I can see a carpet , bowls , a cup ,people standing next

10) This place is nice because it is a dog and I really like dogs

This place isn"t interesting because This place is interesting because it is a lot of the crowd and the few animals

11)This woman is happy because it has a lovely dog who won the competition

12)Better place for young people's lives is the city because they can be educated in it have greater access to schools, public or media.

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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