October 2018 1 20 Report

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That was the day before Christmas .I was pushing the snow out off roads, when met Mr.Ducal. He told me if he had gone to the shed,because must chop timber. After 5 minutes I saw a burning curtains in Ducal's window.I was terrified. Realised the curtains catch fire from fireplace . As soon as possible was running to my house and called the fire brigade.All drawing room was in flames.I had no time to waste. I was going to Ducal's house . On the first floor found twins - Adam and Jack , one of them laying unconsious , second trembling with fear and tried to woke up brother.I wropped they in blanket and took away from home. In the same time firefighters put out the fire. Mr.Ducal back to house barely 20 minutes and hadn't no ide what happend., but when saw his children,black wall and a lot of smoke couldn't kept back his tears. In addition couldn't said any word. Finally the amulance took casualties to hospital.

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