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TEKST: In our city there were lots of rubbishes. There are everywhere. However, group of people take care city's park. They pick letters , push the rubish to the wastepaper basket. They have special uniform. This uniform consist of yellow gloves , waterproof suit and they have garbage bags. If we ask them : Do you like this job, they will anserwed : Of course, We are pleased of we can care about environment.
-Are you worried about the environment ? Yes, because in our city as I know we are only cleaning group. One group can't take care all places in the city.
- Do you sort out your rubbish ? I think that is my necessarity. If we don't sort out the rubbish , the environment will be in danger.
- Do you try to save water or electricity? I do everything what I can. Water from bath I use to watered my plants. I turn on electricity in my house only when I need it.
-What is your favourite season of the year ? I like all of the season. Every season has something which makes it intresting. But if I chose I would tell that Autumn is my favourite season. In the Autumn lots of plants grown up. It looks very delightfully
- Do you like cold and snow weather ? I like this season but not the most. I know that snow is very pretty but I like warm. If I wanted to get warm in house I must have lighted the solve. It takes more of time which can be used for more necessary things.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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TEKST: In our city there are a lot of rubbish. They are everywhere. However, group of people take care about the city's park. They pick letters , push the rubbish to the wastepaper baskets. They have some special uniforms. This uniform consist of yellow gloves , waterproof suit and they have garbage bags. If we ask them : Do you like this job, they will anserwed : Of course, We are pleased of we can care about environment.
W naszym mieście jest wiele smieci. One są wszędzie. Jednakże grupa ludzi dba o park miejski. Zbierają listy, wrzucają śmieci do koszy na makulaturę. Mają szczególne kombinezony.Ten uniform sklada sie z zoltych rekawiczek, nieprzemakalnego plaszcza i maja torby na smieci. Jesli ich spytamy czy lubicie swoja prace, oni powiedza: oczywiscie, jestesmy zadowoleni ze mozemy troszczyc sie o srodowisko.
-Are you worried about the environment ? Yes, I am, because in our city, as I know, we are the only cleaning group. One group can't take care about all places in the city.
- Do you sort out your rubbish ? I think that is my responsibility. If we don't sort out the rubbish , the environment will be in danger.
- Do you try to save water or electricity? I do my best. (brzmi lepiej) Water from the baths I use to watered my plants. I turn on electricity in my house only when I need it.
-What is your favourite season of the year ? I like all of the season. Every season has something which makes it intresting. But if I chose I would tell that autumn is my favourite season. In the Autumn lots of plants grow up. It looks very delightfully.
- Do you like cold and snow weather ? I like this season but not the most. I know that snow is very pretty but I like warm. If I wanted to get warm in house I must have lighted the solve. It takes more of time which can be used for more necessary things.
TEKST: In our city there are a lot of rubbish. They are everywhere. However, group of people take care about the city's park. They pick letters , push the rubbish to the wastepaper baskets. They have some special uniforms. This uniform consist of yellow gloves , waterproof suit and they have garbage bags. If we ask them : Do you like this job, they will anserwed : Of course, We are pleased of we can care about environment.
W naszym mieście jest wiele smieci. One są wszędzie. Jednakże grupa ludzi dba o park miejski. Zbierają listy, wrzucają śmieci do koszy na makulaturę. Mają szczególne kombinezony.Ten uniform sklada sie z zoltych rekawiczek, nieprzemakalnego plaszcza i maja torby na smieci. Jesli ich spytamy czy lubicie swoja prace, oni powiedza: oczywiscie, jestesmy zadowoleni ze mozemy troszczyc sie o srodowisko.
-Are you worried about the environment ? Yes, I am, because in our city, as I know, we are the only cleaning group. One group can't take care about all places in the city.
- Do you sort out your rubbish ? I think that is my responsibility. If we don't sort out the rubbish , the environment will be in danger.
- Do you try to save water or electricity? I do my best. (brzmi lepiej) Water from the baths I use to watered my plants. I turn on electricity in my house only when I need it.
-What is your favourite season of the year ? I like all of the season. Every season has something which makes it intresting. But if I chose I would tell that autumn is my favourite season. In the Autumn lots of plants grow up. It looks very delightfully.
- Do you like cold and snow weather ? I like this season but not the most. I know that snow is very pretty but I like warm. If I wanted to get warm in house I must have lighted the solve. It takes more of time which can be used for more necessary things.
Tekst:W naszym mieściebyło wieleśmieci.Sąwszędzie.Jednakgrupa ludzipodejmujeprace wparkumiejskim.Zbierają liśćie i wrzucają do kosza.Mająspecjalnymundur.Jest on jednolityskładającu sie z żółtychrękawiczek,kombinezonuwodoodpornego,mają też przy sobie worki na śmieci.Jeślipytamy: Czy lubisztę pracę, odpowiedzieli : Oczywiście,zprzyjemnościąmożemydbać ośrodowisko naturalne.
-Martwisz się ośrodowisko?Tak, bow naszym mieście,co wiem,jest tylko pare grup.Jedna grupanie może zająćwszystkich miejscw mieście.
- Czysortujesz śmieci?Myślę,że jest to mojakonieczność.Jeśli nie będziemysortowaćśmieci, środowiskobędziew niebezpieczeństwie.
-Czy starasz sięoszczędzać wodęlub elektryczność?Zrobię wszystko,co będę mógł.Wode zwannyużywam dopodlewania mojerośliny.Używam energii elektrycznej wmoim domutylko wtedy, gdyjest ona potrzebna.
-Jaka jest twoja ulubionapora roku?Podobają mi się wszystkie pory roku.Każda pora rokuma w sobie cośco sprawia, że jest ciekawa.Ale jeśli miałbym wybrać tpjesieńjest moja ulubionapora roku.W jesieni podobaja mi sie rośliny uprawiane w górach .Wygląda to bardzouroczo.
- Podoba ci sięzimno i śnieg?Chciałbymw tym sezonie zime .Wiem, żeśnieg jestbardzo ładny, ale wole lato.Gdybym chciałsię ogrzaćw domumusiałam bym palić w piecu.Zajmuje to dużo czasu ,który może być używany dorzeczybardziej potrzebnych.