You can writea story aboutMarsjanach.namely, thatyour brothersarebeingbuilttomoveinanother dimension andhave foundon Mars.You werethere,theirqueenand theyhave drawnon the globeyourlikeness:)
ideataken from thePhineasand Ferb:D
One daymy brothersbuilt amachine tomoveover time.I wentto her andfound myselfon Mars.At the beginningI feltuncomfortable,everything wasstrangebutafter a few daysI feltat ease.I meta fewgreen menwho haveappointed metheir queen.Onmy honoron the globepaintedmylikeness.Butall thiscould notlast forever.Unfortunately,but I had togo back to mynormallife.Surprisingly,in view oflonging formy newgreenfriendsbut whenI methis brothers, parents,friendsrealized thatnothingIcould notreplace them!
You can writea story aboutMarsjanach.namely, thatyour brothersarebeingbuilttomoveinanother dimension andhave foundon Mars.You werethere,theirqueenand theyhave drawnon the globeyourlikeness:)
ideataken from thePhineasand Ferb:D
One daymy brothersbuilt amachine tomoveover time.I wentto her andfound myselfon Mars.At the beginningI feltuncomfortable,everything wasstrangebutafter a few daysI feltat ease.I meta fewgreen menwho haveappointed metheir queen.Onmy honoron the globepaintedmylikeness.Butall thiscould notlast forever.Unfortunately,but I had togo back to mynormallife.Surprisingly,in view oflonging formy newgreenfriendsbut whenI methis brothers, parents,friendsrealized thatnothingIcould notreplace them!