PROSZĘ O POMOCCC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Przebywając na kursie językowym w Anglii wraz z grupą kolegów i koleżanek postanowiliście zorganizować zawody sportowe dla uczestników kursu. Napisz ogłoszenie w którym: Poinformujesz o planie zorganizowania imprezy sportowej Podasz gdzie i kiedy odbędą się zawody Poinformujesz w jakich dyscyplinach będzie można wziąć udział Podasz informacje na temat zapisów dla chętny
On 21th of august will take place the sports competitions for language course participants. The event is going to start at 10 am in the park. We will start with a competition in running on 60 meters. At 11 am will take place an contest of the long jump. Next, at 12 am there will be a football match (not only for boys!). On the end, at 13 am there will be a dance competition. If you are interested in taking part in our event, go to your teacher and sing up on the list od participants. We are waiting for you!
On 21th of august will take place the sports competitions for language course participants. The event is going to start at 10 am in the park. We will start with a competition in running on 60 meters. At 11 am will take place an contest of the long jump. Next, at 12 am there will be a football match (not only for boys!). On the end, at 13 am there will be a dance competition. If you are interested in taking part in our event, go to your teacher and sing up on the list od participants. We are waiting for you!