October 2018 1 17 Report

Proszę o pomoc.

1.Dopasuj słowa z tabelki z lewej strony do prawej, tak aby pasowalo to do siebie.

a)envy 1) ........ comforting

b)lack of confidence 2)......... aggressive

c)scary 3)......... anxiety

d)violent 4)......... destructive

e)doubts 5)......... frightening

f)negative 6).......... insecurity

g)reassuring 7).......... jealousy

h)nervousness 8).......... worries

2.Wypełnij luki odpowiednimi słowami i ekspresjami:

1)Someone told Jane that her white lipstick didn't go with her eye shadow, and now she's in the ladies room, crying about it. She's much too ...........................

2)I wanted to go to the "Ich Troje" concert last week, but the tickets were sold out and I couldn't find one anywhere. I'm so ..........................

3)Alice was very ........................... when we gave her the flowers, champagne and chocolate cake for birthday.

4)Michael and Lorraine are always arguing about nothing. I don't think they're going to get married. I think they're more likely to ......................

5)I don't see how you can walk so calmly into the neighbours' yard when that big mean ugly dog is loose. I would be ...........................................

6)I know George says a lot of stupid things and makes you angry, but it's best to ........................... .............................. . Getting into a fight with him isn't going to help.

7)When Fred finished his little speech, nobody knew what to say. We were all completely ...............................

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Need help. Przeczytaj tekst a następnie uzupełnij lukiA bad morning. I came in on time and was having my usual muffin with coffee at my desk when Judy, the cute receptionist, came in to give me a message. I always get 1).............. when I talk to her - I almost sspilled my coffee! She isn't only good-looking, but also seems to be intelligent.Unfortunately, the boss stormed into my office at that moment and started yelling at me for some mistake he thought I made last week with the Prentiss account. He was very 2).............. -so much, in fact, that his face, not to mention his bald head, turned beet-red. It was very 3).............. to be yelled at like that in front of Judy. However, as soon as the boss was 4).............. enough to talk to, I pointed out that it hadn't been my mistake at all, and that I'd taken care of the problem anyway. He apologized, and I guess I have to be 5).............. with that.Shortly afterwards, though, Charlie came in with the news that Bud was in the hospital. I was completely 6).............. , because I didn't know there was anything wrong with him . Charlie says he's very 7).............. about Bud, because his health hasn't been good for some time now. I told him about the boss yelling at me in front of Judy, and he said I shouldn't be so 8).............. , because the boss yells at everybody and nobody takes it seriously. Charlie has the 9).............. habit of interrupting me before I'm finishedc talking, but basically he's a good egg. On the other hand,I'm very 10).............. with Steve, who I thought was a nice guy but who has turned out to be a real jerk. It's 11).............. to work with people you can't trust, especially when you're doing boring work in an ugly environment.Fortunately, the afternoon turned out better. I went to the Indian restaurant down the street and had a very 12).............. lunch. Everything was delicious and I felt good after I ate. All morning I'd been tired and jittery, but when I came back to the office after lunch I felt 13).............. and ready to work. I was quite 14).............. when Judy came down to chat with me again - I certainly didn't expect to see her twice in one day! Of course, Steve picked that moment to walk in and ask some stupid questions. I was very 15).............. when he left a few minutes later. It gave me the chance to ask Judy to go to lunch with me the next day.

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