Proszę o pomoc!!! Zobaczyłaś w gazecie ogłoszenie reklamujące kurs komputerowy w jednej z londyńskich szkół.Napisz list do tej szkoły. -Napisz gdzie zobaczyłaś ogłoszenie o kursie i dlaczego piszesz. -Poproś o szczegółowe informacje dotyczące różnych kursów i ich cen. -Wyjaśnij kim jesteś i napisz o swoim doświadczeniu w zakresie obsługi komputera -Powidz jakie są twoje plany na przyszłość i poinformuj jak najlepiej się z tobą skontaktować. długość listu od 120-150 słów.
I am writing in connection with computer course. I am writing to you because I am the person concerned that course. I have read about this in local newspaper, and then I decide to write to you. I am young person, student, I can operate a computer on an average of an advanced level. In the future I plan to be a computer technician, so this course can be really helpful for me. I am writing because i have a few questions regarding the course offered by you. What is the price per course and how long it lasts? What is more, I want to know detailed information about other courses, hot long it lasts, what is the price and when will be held? Please for reply by letter or by telephone (wymyśl numer i wpisz).
Dear Principal of School in London
I am writing in connection with computer course. I am writing to you because I am the person concerned that course. I have read about this in local newspaper, and then I decide to write to you. I am young person, student, I can operate a computer on an average of an advanced level. In the future I plan to be a computer technician, so this course can be really helpful for me. I am writing because i have a few questions regarding the course offered by you. What is the price per course and how long it lasts? What is more, I want to know detailed information about other courses, hot long it lasts, what is the price and when will be held?
Please for reply by letter or by telephone (wymyśl numer i wpisz).
Yours failthfully