Proszę o pomoc w zadaniach , które są w załączniku. Potrzebne na jutro- mam zaległości.
Daję 20 pkt. Zróbcie chociaż te , co umiecie. Jak ktoś umie 1 lub 2 to plis prześlijcie wiadomością.
Piszcie które zadanie robicie i z jakiej str. ;)
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Cw. new exam challenges 4 jak by co.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Zad 4.
1- zrobione
2- will
3- may
4- going to be
5- might
6- going to pass
7- We're going
8- we might go
9- we'll going
10- aren't going
Zad 5.
1- will be study - is going to
2- It's all arranged - nie mam pewności
3- I might be a doctor - I will be
4- I've no idea about - I'm not sure about
5- we will all passing - we all are going to pass
6- Nie widzę tutaj złego zdania
7- what you going to do - what will You do
8- I can't come to the cinema - I won't go to the cinema
Zad 6.
2- might stay
3- 're going
4- 'll need
5- 'm not going to pass
6- 'm not going
7- will be, 're going to have
8- might come
9- 'll have
Zad 7.
1- I won't study in the USA.
2- My dad might come to the next parent's evening.
3- My best friend may be in the same class next tNMyerm.
4- My friend and I will study English next year.
5- My school is going to organise a sports day soon.
6- I will train to be an actor.
7- My family won't go skiing this winter.
Zad 1 strona 3.
2- b
3- b
4- b
5- a
6- b
7- a
8- b
Zad 2
2- f
3- a
4- e
5- b
6- c
A- gets
B- would learn
C- will give
E- didn't have
F- pass
Zad 3
2- wouldn't be able
3- lose
4- won't be
5- 'd knew
6- had
7- go
8- 'll feel
9- 'll make
10- 'll be
11- 'll be able
12- made
Zad 4.
1- I'd study right now.
2- I'd go there and have fun.
3- I'd help them
4- I'd be happy.
5- I'd play more video games.
6- I hang out with my friends.
7- I'll do it right away to have more time later.
8- I couldn't finish this exercise.
Zad 1 strona 4.
2- conversation
3- phone
4- messaging
6- services
7- network
8- messages
9- phone
10- blog
Zad 2.
2- sign language
3- body language
4- netbook
5- intranet
Zad 4.
1- I speak slowly and clearly
2- I send him a text message
3- I send multiple messages or send them text messages
4- I speak gratefully and with joy.
5- I act normally
6- I speak normally.