Proszę o pomoc w uzupełnieniu chociaż części słówek :)
1. Do you and your wife have any c _ m _ o _ interests? Do you like similar things? 2. It's not p _ r _ _ t _ _ d , it's against the rules. 3. I need to i _ p _ _ v _ my English. I need to get better. 4. Please, d _ a _ this number. 5. This street is very n _ r _ _ w . Be careful when you are driving along it. 6. We sat at the table and o _ d _ r _ d two cups of coffee. 7. I have a bad s _ o _ a _ h . I think I ate something bad yestarday. I can't keep anything down. 8. I want to do an i _ t _ n _ _ v _ course in French. I need to learn it very quickly. 9. Although they are twins they are not s _ m _ l _ r at all. They are completely different. 10. The health club charges an annual membership f _ _ Answer. 11. I want to buy some bathroom s _ a _ e _ . I need to control my weight.
2. permitted
3. improve
4. dial
5. narrow
6. ordered
8. intensive
9. similar
10. fee
11. scales