PROSZĘ O POMOC !! przetłumaczcie mi to na j. ang: " idź do dzieci". pomyślałam ze to dowcip i dalej czytałam książkę. za 15 min telefon znowu zadzwonił. "idź do dzieci". wzruszyłam ramionami i czytałam dalej.. Po następnym kwadransie usłyszałam znów dźwięk dzwoniącego telefonu: - Idź do dzieci, troche sie przestraszyła... nastepnie telefon znowu zadzwonił- idź do dzieci. Dalej czytałam gdy telefon znowu zadzwonił- "idź na górę" Zlękniona zadzwoniłam na policję. Kiedy przyjechała policja, policjan poradził abym poszła sprawdzić co z dziećmi. poszłam. Zastała, ich martwe ciała na podłodze. policjant wyjaśnił :- To było zbiorowe morderstwo. Za każdym razem po telefonie mordował jedno z dzieci. odpowiedziałam :Ale...telefon dzwonił 5 razy, a dzieci było czworo... - Bo ten piąty był na Ciebie
"Go to the children." I thought of a joke and then I read a book. for 15 minutes the phone rang again. "Go to the children." shrugged my shoulders and read more .. After another fifteen minutes I heard the sound of ringing phone again: - Go to the children, were a little frightened ... then the phone rang again, go to the children. Next I read when the phone rang again, "go up" Zlękniona I called the police. When police arrived, policjan advised me to go see what the children. I went. She found their dead bodies on the floor. police officer explained: - It was a collective murder. Every time the phone killed a child. I replied: But ... the phone rang 5 times and had four children ... - For the fifth was for you
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"Go to the children." I thought of a joke and then I read a book. for 15 minutes the phone rang again. "Go to the children." shrugged my shoulders and read more .. After another fifteen minutes I heard the sound of ringing phone again: - Go to the children, a little frightened ... then the phone rang again, go to the children. Next I read when the phone rang again, "go up" Zlękniona I called the police. When police arrived, the police officer advised me to go see what the children. I went. She found their dead bodies on the floor. police officer explained: - It was a collective murder. Every time the phone killed a child. I replied: But ... the phone rang 5 times and had four children ... - For the fifth was for you
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"go to children". I thought around it is a joke and farther I read the book. behind 15 min. the phone then again rang. "go to children". I shrugged my shoulders and I read farther.. After next fifteen minutes I heard sound of the ringing phone then again: - go to children, troche sie frightened... nastepnie the phone then again ring-ed go to children. Farther I read when the phone then again ring-ed "go up" Frightened I called the police. When police arrived, policjan advised me to go to check what with children. I went. She found, their dead bodies on the floor. the policeman explained: - it was collective murder. Each time after the phone he has murdered one of children. I answered: but... the phone rang 5 times, but children was four... - because the one was fifth to you