Proszę o pomoc ... Muszę napisać zaproszenie...Takie jest polecenie: Twoi rodzice otwierają nową restaurację w waszym mieście. Na otwarcie chciałabyś zaprosić dwóch swoich nauczycieli, Anglików. Zredaguj zaproszenie: *zaprosisz nauczycieli na uroczyste otwarcie *napiszesz kto będzie uczestniczył w imprezie *podasz miejsce i godzinę imprezy *podasz jakie atrakcje przygotowano dla gości Pilne po angielsku
New restaurant in town! I would like to invite you to the Pallace restaurant, which belongs to my parents, tomorrow at 8 p.m. There won't be any celebrities, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it! I invited also another English teacher from our school, so I think that you won't get bored. We are going to preprare for all of you a delicious dinner! I hope you will come. <podpis>
I would like to invite you to the Pallace restaurant, which belongs to my parents, tomorrow at 8 p.m. There won't be any celebrities, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it! I invited also another English teacher from our school, so I think that you won't get bored. We are going to preprare for all of you a delicious dinner!
I hope you will come.