Proszę o pomoc i przetłumaczyć na j. angielski : 1. On nie znalazł twoich kluczy 2. Piotr nie potrafił czytać i pisać 3. My nie szukaliśmy ciebie 4.czy leciałeś wczoraj samolotem ? 5.Czy wiesz , że nie miałem wczoraj lekcji ? 6. Mój tata nie mógł naprawić swojego samochodu 7. Nie mogłam otworzyć okna
He didn't find your keys peter couldn't read and write when wasn't looking for you were you flying by plane do you know that I haven't lessons yesterday my dad couldn't reapered his car I couldn't open the window
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1. He didn't foun your keys. 2. Peter can't read. 3.We were'nt looking for you. 4.yesterday and flew by plane? 5.Did you know that yesterday I had a lesson? 6.My dad could'nt fix your car. 7.I could not open the windows
peter couldn't read and write
when wasn't looking for you
were you flying by plane
do you know that I haven't lessons yesterday
my dad couldn't reapered his car
I couldn't open the window
2. Peter can't read.
3.We were'nt looking for you.
4.yesterday and flew by plane?
5.Did you know that yesterday I had a lesson?
6.My dad could'nt fix your car.
7.I could not open the windows