Proszę o pomoc !!!
1.Przebywasz na stypendium w Wielkiej Brytanii.Z okazji zdania wszystkich egzaminów postanawiasz zorganizować przyjęcie dla swoich zagranicznych przyjaciół.Zredaguj zaproszenie w którym powiadomisz ich o:
-okazji,z jakiej odbedzie sie impreza
-miejscu,gdzie się odbędzie
-szczegółach dojazdu
-przewidzianych atrakjcach
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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If you want to celebrate with me passing my exams, you should come to my party! The party takes place on Monday, 29th July and starts around 7pm. The party takes place in my flat. It's Roosvelt Street 42/3, opposite the library (it's a third building on the left from the City Hall). If you will come to my party, you have a chance to win great gifts in one of many competitions!
I am throwing at a party! I want to celebrate the fact that I have passed all my exams. The party will take place on 19th of november 2012 at Janowska 70 street in our city. You can get there by most of the buses going trough our city. There will be many surprises and attractions, karaoke show also dancing competition and many more.
Hope to see you all there!