Proszę o opis jakiegoś wybranego przez was OBRAZU po angielsku i napisac jaki to obraz. Na jutro pilne!!!
LinusekIn the foregroundyou can seea womanin a relaxedpose ofthe middleform inthe prime of life, barely visible, wanderingsmileon your face, not very comely.Nieufryzowanehair, modestdress, handmade, the body in ahalf turn,eyes lookalmostdirectlyat the viewer, in a quiet gazetrailingalmond eyesand delicateeyebrows,smallmouth witha subtle, rounded shapeof the body. Inthe backgrounda littlefairy, mountain, rockylandscape. Brownish-green rocks, winding pathshroudedin mist. Between thefigure of a womanandthreateninglandscapehas no contrast. diffuse chiaroscuro. The subtleplay of lightand shadow. Sfumatotechnique* (Leonardo'sinvention), brought toperfection.Onfumo-smoke Scatteredlightslidesacross the faceGioconda, drowningin the shadowparts ofthe landscapein the background,blendsthe color anddistance,eliminates thesharp contours, shapesshapes; Opsi Mona lisy niewiem czy wszystko jest poprawne
The famous painting I chose to write about is known to preety much everyone - The Mona Lisa. It can be found in the Louvre museum. The lady depicted in the famous portrait painting of Leonardo da Vinci is Mona Lisa, the wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo di Zanobi del Giocondo. While almost everyone knows what she looks like, no one knows her story. Her life is a blank canvas, open to whatever tale we wish to weave about her history, her background, her relationship to the painter, and the reason for the slight smile on her face. In my opinion the painting is mysterious.
JESTEM ZE STANOW I TO JEST 100000000000000000% PERFECT!!!
In the background a little fairy, mountain, rocky landscape. Brownish-green rocks, winding path shrouded in mist.
Between the figure of a woman and threatening landscape has no contrast. diffuse
chiaroscuro. The subtle play of light and shadow.
Sfumato technique * (Leonardo's invention), brought to perfection. On fumo - smoke
Scattered light slides across the face Gioconda, drowning in the shadow parts of the landscape in the background, blends the color and distance, eliminates the sharp contours, shapes shapes; Opsi Mona lisy niewiem czy wszystko jest poprawne
The famous painting I chose to write about is known to preety much everyone - The Mona Lisa. It can be found in the Louvre museum. The lady depicted in the famous portrait painting of Leonardo da Vinci is Mona Lisa, the wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo di Zanobi del Giocondo. While almost everyone knows what she looks like, no one knows her story. Her life is a blank canvas, open to whatever tale we wish to weave about her history, her background, her relationship to the painter, and the reason for the slight smile on her face. In my opinion the painting is mysterious.
JESTEM ZE STANOW I TO JEST 100000000000000000% PERFECT!!!