Proszę o odpowiedzi na 7 pytań w języku angielskim.
1. Why did people from all over the world come to New York?
2. Why does the traffic move slowly in traffic jams today?
3. How did New Yorkers work in the past?
How do theywork today?
4. How do people eat their lunch and do their shopping?
5.What do people do in Central Park?
6. How does New York welcome tourists?
7. How do people talk at Ground Zero?
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1 BecauseNew Yorkisoneof themost important tourist attractions
2Traffic jamsarecaused bya suddenincrease invehiclesorroad works.inthis case,vehiclesmustmoveslowlyandkeepa safedistancefromeach other
3Once worked hard and now use new technology solutions in order work became easier
4People eat fast food and other dishes in a restaurant in a pub and make purchases often via the Internet.
5People in the central park of a break from the chaos of the city
7People so they say on the World Trade Center