Proszę o napisanie po angielsku i przetłumaczyć po polsku 15 zdań co robiłem w zeszłym tygodniu? Ze słowami poniżej
My last weekend
in the morning , evening, afternoon
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My las weekend.
On Saturday morning I was at the breakfast with Brad Pitt. He asked me to be his menager, so I agree. Then I meat up with Angelina and determined her wedding date with Brad. I bought clothes for Brad. I check decorationes in the church. In the afternoon I send inviatione to spouses mates. Finally I ate a supper with my familly. In the evening I designe a dress for Paris Hillton. On Sunday I send project to Paris. In the morning I was at the breakfast with Obama. I've helped him rule since I was young. Then I was shoping with her wife. In the afternoon I designed a skiert for Honey. In the evening I did my English homework. I had bussy weekend.
On Saturday i woke up at 9 o'clock. I had to go to the shop and buy bread for a breakfast. In the evening i met my friends. It was great. We went to the cinema. In the afternoon when i came back to house my aunt was there and invited me to her. I agreed. On Sunday I visited my grandmother because she had birthday. I gave her a gift- flowers and picture of our family. She sad it's brilliant present.
W sobotę wstałam o 9. Musiałam iść do sklepu i kupić chleb na śniadanię. Po południu spotkałam się z moimi przyjaciółmi. Było świetnie. Poszliśmy do kina. Wieczorem, kiedy wróciłam do domu moja ciocia tam była i zaprosiła mnie do siebie. Zgodziłam się. W niedzielę odwiedziłam moją babcię, ponieważ miała urodziny. Dałam jej prezent- kwiaty i zdjęcie naszej rodziny. Powiedziała, że to wspaniały podarunek.