TAxi drivers are specialists with handling people (taksówkarze to specjaliści w obsłudze ludzi)
Taxi drivers are lone wolves in their job(pracują sami)
Taxi drivers know shortest way to your target(znają krótkie drogi)
Their works is very needed for drunk people
Writers must know their languages at very good level (Pisarze muszą znac swoje języki bardzo dobrze) Writers know how to fill paper card with their thoughts. Very creative job. They are patient writing a book take a lot time
Bisneswomen Should not start the argues (Bisneswomen nie powinna zaczynać kłótni) .She is ressistant to stress.Should have friends in every position in every kind of industries. She works in the office and know the stock exchange
TAxi drivers are specialists with handling people (taksówkarze to specjaliści w obsłudze ludzi)
Taxi drivers are lone wolves in their job(pracują sami)
Taxi drivers know shortest way to your target(znają krótkie drogi)
Their works is very needed for drunk people
Writers must know their languages at very good level (Pisarze muszą znac swoje języki bardzo dobrze) Writers know how to fill paper card with their thoughts. Very creative job. They are patient writing a book take a lot time
Bisneswomen Should not start the argues (Bisneswomen nie powinna zaczynać kłótni) .She is ressistant to stress.Should have friends in every position in every kind of industries. She works in the office and know the stock exchange