Proszę o napisanie mi wypracowania z języka angielskiego. Musi ono zawierać przynajmniej połowę kartki A4. Trzeba napisać o sobie. Moje zainteresowania. Plan dniowy. Nazywam się : Marysia. Wiek : 13. mieszkam : w polsce , warszawa (przykładowe) zainteresowania : muzyka , książki młodzieżowe , komputer. Wstaje : 6 idę do szkoło na 7.45 , wracam około 14. odrabiam lekcje , jem obiad , oglądam telewizor , siedze na kompie , czytam książke. Można jeszcze coś dodać. Z gory dziękuuuję ! Potrzebne koniecznie na jutro.
Napisze ci cos podobnego do tego ale inaczej ^^.
Hi! my name's Marysia. I'm 13 years old and I'm a student at (...) Secondary School. My favourite shool subjects is (...). My favourite subject is music, computer. My favourite singer is (...) Im going to shool on 7.45 Back 14, Making Homework,I dine, I read book, I observe tv set, and wash teeth, and go sleeping.
Może być ^^?
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My name is Marysia and I'm thirteen years old. I from Poland. I like listen to music and read youth books. Sometimes I like to play computer games. (I have three sisters /brothers/ albo jeśli nie masz rodzeństwa I haven't siblings). I go to (nazwa szkoły). My favourite subject is English and Art. I don't like Math and Physics. My favorite dish is chicken and chips. I don't like spinach. My favourite actor is (imie i nazwisko aktora/aktorki). My favourite singer is ( imie i nazwisko piosenkarki/piosenkarza). In the future I would like to be ( zawód w jakim byś chciała pracować w przyszłości, hairstylist). I always get up at six o'clock. I have a breakfast. After that I'm brush my teeth. Then I'm going to school. In the afternoon I'm back to home. I usually do homework, but sometimes I check my e-mails or visit a chat room. After, I'm eat a dinner an watching TV. Later, I read a book or go shopping with friends. I look at the new mobile phones or clothes. We often go bowling. I'm usually in bed before midnight.
Hi! my name's Marysia.
I'm 13 years old and I'm a student at (...) Secondary School.
My favourite shool subjects is (...).
My favourite subject is music, computer.
My favourite singer is (...)
Im going to shool on 7.45 Back 14, Making Homework,I dine, I read book, I observe tv set, and wash teeth, and go sleeping.
Może być ^^?
My favourite subject is English and Art. I don't like Math and
Physics. My favorite dish is chicken and chips. I don't like spinach. My favourite actor is (imie i nazwisko aktora/aktorki). My favourite singer is ( imie i nazwisko piosenkarki/piosenkarza). In the future I would like to be ( zawód w jakim byś chciała pracować w przyszłości, hairstylist).
I always get up at six o'clock. I have a breakfast. After that I'm brush my teeth. Then I'm going to school. In the afternoon I'm back to home. I usually do homework, but sometimes I check my e-mails or visit a chat room. After, I'm eat a dinner an watching TV. Later, I read a book or go shopping with friends. I look at the new mobile phones or clothes. We often go bowling. I'm usually in bed before midnight.