Proszę o napisanie mi dwóch różnych prac z angielskiego na temat ; mój dzień-kartka z pamiętnika. Proszę też aby napisać po polsku a potem po angielsku. Z góry dziękuje.;)
I get up at 8 o`clock. I have a shower and a breakfast. After a breakfast I turn on a computer to check mail. Next I turn off the computer and I prepare to school. In school I'm close to 5 hours. When I'm back at home I have a shower. After that I have a dinner. After a dinner I go to play football. When I'm back I have shower again. Next I do homework. After that I go to bed and I watch TV. Later I have a supper. Next I put up books and notes to a bag so I don't need waste time on next day. I always go to bed at 22 o'clock.
Dzien zaczynam o godzinie 8:00 , wstaje ,myje sie i jem sniadanie.Po sniadaniu wlaczam komputer sprawdzam emaila , po sprawdzeniu wylaczam komputer i szykuje sie do szkoly . W szkole jestem 5godzin po czym ide do domu . Gdy jestem juz w domu myje sie i jem obiad ,po obiedzie ide na dwor pograc w pilke i pogadac ze znajomymi. Po przyjsciu z dworzu znowu myje sie i odrabiam lekcje po odrobieniu lekcji klade sie na lozku i ogladam telewizje ,pozniej jem kolacje pakuje kasiazki i zeszyty do plecaka zeby rano nie tracic czasu na pakowanie ksiazek po czym sciele lozko i ide spac .
kartka z pamiętnika 15th of Febuary, 2008 Friday What a terrible day! In the morning I overslept and missed my bus. So I was in school too late. On the first lesson, I mean- maths, my class had an exam. Great. My knowledge about the subject was really small. When a teacher gave me a test, I was quite sure, that I will get a very bad mark. So.. I had begun my new term in school very "nice". Later, on a Polish lesson we had a short test. Of course I didn't know anything about it. And I didn't remember anything at all. After school- sweet home. Sweet home?! God, what a terrible mess everywhere! In a kitchen- a lot of dirty plates, spoons on the floor. In my room- a lot of clothes on my bed. Hey, when I left home, the room was clean! Maybe my cat did it? No, it's impossible. And of course I had a lot of homework. I was really sleepy during the whole day. I fell asleep in the middle of the night on my desk. Why me? By the way: "In the middle of the night"- it's a title of a quite nice song. Well..
Dzien zaczynam o godzinie 8:00 , wstaje ,myje sie i jem sniadanie.Po sniadaniu wlaczam komputer sprawdzam emaila , po sprawdzeniu wylaczam komputer i szykuje sie do szkoly . W szkole jestem 5godzin po czym ide do domu . Gdy jestem juz w domu myje sie i jem obiad ,po obiedzie ide na dwor pograc w pilke i pogadac ze znajomymi. Po przyjsciu z dworzu znowu myje sie i odrabiam lekcje po odrobieniu lekcji klade sie na lozku i ogladam telewizje ,pozniej jem kolacje pakuje kasiazki i zeszyty do plecaka zeby rano nie tracic czasu na pakowanie ksiazek po czym sciele lozko i ide spac .
kartka z pamiętnika
15th of Febuary, 2008
What a terrible day! In the morning I overslept and missed my bus. So I was in school too late. On the first lesson, I mean- maths, my class had an exam. Great. My knowledge about the subject was really small. When a teacher gave me a test, I was quite sure, that I will get a very bad mark. So.. I had begun my new term in school very "nice". Later, on a Polish lesson we had a short test. Of course I didn't know anything about it. And I didn't remember anything at all. After school- sweet home. Sweet home?! God, what a terrible mess everywhere! In a kitchen- a lot of dirty plates, spoons on the floor. In my room- a lot of clothes on my bed. Hey, when I left home, the room was clean! Maybe my cat did it? No, it's impossible. And of course I had a lot of homework. I was really sleepy during the whole day. I fell asleep in the middle of the night on my desk. Why me? By the way: "In the middle of the night"- it's a title of a quite nice song. Well..