There is one place in the USA . Old plantation "Myrtles" this place has over 200 age.
This house is inhabited by 12 ghosts . in this residention Sara wooderdruff has been killed with her chillds. With traditions When someone died in house all mirrors in the house should be coverd. But the forgot about one .Legend says about souls of sara and her childs withc was stored in the mirror and some tims you can see them,
Historia jest prawdziwa
There is one place in the USA . Old plantation "Myrtles" this place has over 200 age.
This house is inhabited by 12 ghosts . in this residention Sara wooderdruff has been killed with her chillds. With traditions When someone died in house all mirrors in the house should be coverd. But the forgot about one .Legend says about souls of sara and her childs withc was stored in the mirror and some tims you can see them,
Historia jest prawdziwa
Ale to jest kit na resorachwięc nie ma co się bać