Proszę o napisanie emaila z angielskiego, bardzo proszę, temat : Wraz z kolegami i koleżankami z klasy organizujecie warsztaty dotyczące zdrowego odżywiania się. W e-mail do kolegów i koleżanek z innych klas: -napisz, jaki jest cel warsztatów -opisz plan tego dnia, -zapros wszystkich chętnych na spotkanie Z góry dziękuję!
With our class we'd like to invite you for our healthy eating workshops. Our goal is to teach you how to eat healthy, but also how to cook some really tasty dishes that you can make at home. We're organizing it at next Friday, 10 am to 12 pm. For the first hour we invited a dietician who will tell you about healthy eating. Then for the next hour our classmate Willow will teach you how to make simple healthy meals. Anyone that is interested can come!
Hello dear friends
With our class we'd like to invite you for our healthy eating workshops. Our goal is to teach you how to eat healthy, but also how to cook some really tasty dishes that you can make at home. We're organizing it at next Friday, 10 am to 12 pm. For the first hour we invited a dietician who will tell you about healthy eating. Then for the next hour our classmate Willow will teach you how to make simple healthy meals. Anyone that is interested can come!
See you soon
Class ....