Proszę o napisanie ciekawego opowiadania po angielsku NIE Z TŁUMACZA! 4 akapity, w jednym zdaniu czas present simple i countinous. Słówka: One day Then Later W jednym akapicie po 4-6 zdań. Daję naaj :*
One day I went on a fishing trip with my best friend. We set off in the morning and arrived at our destination around 6 a.m. The day was beautiful, the sun has just set. It seemed that it would be a nice day for fishing. We have been fishing for almost 3 hours, when suddenly the weather has changed dramatically. The gusts of wind became so strong that we couldn't hold our fishing rods still.
Then, the thunder has struck the boat, which was on water, around 100 metres from us. The man, who was on the boat, fell out of the boat. He was in shock and started to panic. Not thinking much, I took off my clothes and jumped into water to rescue him. I was halfway through, when I got a cramps in both my legs. I couldn't swim further and was frightened that I could drown.
My friend, seeing this, came to my rescue. He swam towards me as fast as he could and saved me from drowning. He took me back to be shore and started to resuscitate me, as I have passed out. After a few minutes I started to cough and I spit out the water remaining in my lungs.
When I came round, my friend has already been on the way to rescue the man from the boat. He had to act very fast as the man had already been underwater for a few minutes. When he approached the boat, he dived and was gone for about 2 minutes before he had finally emerged with the man. He carried him to the shore. However, the man had already been dead. In the end, we called the ambulance and the medics confirmed that he had died. It was a very traumatic experience for me, and it has taken me a long time to get over it.
Then, the thunder has struck the boat, which was on water, around 100 metres from us. The man, who was on the boat, fell out of the boat. He was in shock and started to panic. Not thinking much, I took off my clothes and jumped into water to rescue him. I was halfway through, when I got a cramps in both my legs. I couldn't swim further and was frightened that I could drown.
My friend, seeing this, came to my rescue. He swam towards me as fast as he could and saved me from drowning. He took me back to be shore and started to resuscitate me, as I have passed out. After a few minutes I started to cough and I spit out the water remaining in my lungs.
When I came round, my friend has already been on the way to rescue the man from the boat. He had to act very fast as the man had already been underwater for a few minutes. When he approached the boat, he dived and was gone for about 2 minutes before he had finally emerged with the man. He carried him to the shore. However, the man had already been dead. In the end, we called the ambulance and the medics confirmed that he had died. It was a very traumatic experience for me, and it has taken me a long time to get over it.