August 2018 2 23 Report
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Ranchos Carnavalescos are a contribution of an immigrant from Bahia named Hilário Jovino da Silva. They started in 1872 as working class festivity. People would dress up in costumes and perform on the parade accompanied by an orchestra of strings, ganzás, flutes, and other instruments. They were more organized than the Cordões, and gained popularity around 1911.
With the sponsorship of brewery Hanseática, the Ranchos started organized competitions. They became one of the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro's Carnival, together with the Great Societies. The parade already included a first-wing (abre alas), an orchestra, a male and female choir, and a couple of mestre sala and porta bandeira.
The parades were halted during World War II and started again in 1947. By then the competition happened on Av. Rio Branco. The last competition of ranchos was in 1990, and the winner was a club named Decididos de Quintino.
Corso was a novely intruduced in 1907 with a parade of cars along Av. Rio Branco (then named Av. Central). They were the granddaddys of today's sophisticated floats. Revelers brought along streamers and paper confetti, plus lança-perfume, a spray of cologne water that would give you a sort of a buzz. In the 30's this celebration became so popular that almost all car-owners in the city participated! The parade started on Sunday in Botafogo and went all the way to Av. Central.

Carnival is Rio's main even. Festivities attract thousands of people from all corners of the world. Carnaval, as spelled in Portuguese, is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday, and ends on Tuesday .Carnival is seven weeks before Easter Sunday. Dates change every year.
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