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Martyna Wojciechowska nazywa się właściwie Marta Eliza Wojciechowska. Urodziła się 28 września 1974 roku w Warszawie. Jest polską prezenterką telewizyjną , dziennikarką, podróżniczką i pisarką.Jako druga Polka zdobyła koronę Ziemi w trudniejszej wersji Messnera. Wybrałam ją na swoją bohaterkę, ponieważ ona swoimi podróżami i tym ile szczytów zdobyła, pokazała mi jak można spełniać swoje marzenia, jesli się tylko chce. Pracuje w telewizji TVN, gdzie prowadział programy takie jak: Dzieciaki z klasą, Big Brother i Misja Martyny. Od września 2009 roku prowadzi program Kobieta na krańcu świata. Współpracowała z takimi miesięcznikami jak Świat Motocykli, Auto Moto, „Playboy” czy „Voyage”. Od lutego 2007 jest redaktor naczelną polskiej edycji „magazynów” National Geographic oraz National Geographic Traveler. Jest też współwłaścicielem biura turystycznego Martyna Adventure oraz kierowcą rajdowym. Brała udział w rajdzie Paryż-Dakar. Brała udział w takich kampaniach reklamowych jak :Actimel, PZU , Timotei ,radio ZET I Orange Travel. Jej córka Marysia urodziła się 17 kwietnia 2008. Ojcem dziecka jest Jerzy Błaszczyk, płetwonurek i podróżnik. Zdobyła takie szczyty jak :Mont Blanc, Mont Everest i Kilimandżaro. Napisała takie ksiażki jak Przesunąć horyzont , Kobieta na krańcu świata czy Etiopia.Ale czad!. Wystąpiła w takich filmach jak : Jak to sie robi z dziewczynami czy Everest- przesunąć horyzont oraz gościnie wystapiła w Aniołach Stróżach. Swój głos podłozyła w filmie Auta. Została nagrodzona takimi nagrodami Nagroda „Piękni w sieci – Róże Gali” – nagroda czasopisma „Gala, Kobieta Roku 2009 nagroda miesięcznika „Twój Styl” , MediaTory – Studenckie Nagrody Dziennikarskie w kategorii AkumulaTOR i Nagroda Bursztynowego Motyla im. Arkadego Fiedlera za książkę „Kobieta na krańcu świata 2”. Mam nadzieje , że w przyszłości też będe dążyć do spełnienia swoich marzeń , tak jak ona.
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Martyna Wojciechowska's real name is actually Marta Eliza Wojciechowska. She was born September 28, 1974 in Warsaw. She is a Polish TV presenter, journalist, adventurer and writer. As the second Polish woman in history she won the crown of the Earth in a more difficult Messner's version. I chose her for my heroine, because with her travels and with the numbers of mountains she had climbed she showed me how you can fulfill your dreams if you just want to. She works in the TVN television station, where she runs programs such as Kids with style, Big Brother and Mission Martyna. Since September 2009 she has been running the program "Woman at the end of the world". She collaborated with such monthlies as the World of Motorcycles, Auto Moto, Playboy and Voyage. Since February 2007 she has been the editor of the Polish edition of the National Geographic and National Geographic Traveler magazines. She is also a co-owner of the Martyna Adventure travel agency and a racing driver. She took part, among others, in the Paris-Dakar rally. She has participated in advertising campaigns such as Actimel, PZU, Timotei, Radio ZET and Orange Travel. Her daughter Mary was born on April 17, 2008. The child's father is Jerzy Błaszczyk, a diver and traveler. She climbed such mountains as Mont Blanc, Mont Everest and Kilimanjaro. She wrote books like "Move the horizon", "Woman at the end of the world" and "Ethiopia. What a buzz!". She has appeared in such films as: "How to do it with the girls" and "Everest- move the horizon". She also appeared in "the Guardian Angels". She provided her voice for the "Cars" movie. She has been awarded such prizes as "Beautiful in the network – the Roses Gala" - the "Gala" magazine's award, the "Woman of the Year 2009" award of the "Your Style" monthl, "MediaTory" – the Student Journalism Awards in the AkumulaTOR category and the Amber Butterfly Award of Arkady Fiedler for her book "The Woman at the end of the world 2". I hope that in the future I will also strive to fulfill my dreams, just like her.
Martyna Wojciechowska's real name is actually Marta Eliza Wojciechowska. She was born September 28, 1974 in Warsaw. She is a Polish TV presenter, journalist, adventurer and writer. As the second Polish woman in history she won the crown of the Earth in a more difficult Messner's version. I chose her for my heroine, because with her travels and with the numbers of mountains she had climbed she showed me how you can fulfill your dreams if you just want to. She works in the TVN television station, where she runs programs such as Kids with style, Big Brother and Mission Martyna. Since September 2009 she has been running the program "Woman at the end of the world". She collaborated with such monthlies as the World of Motorcycles, Auto Moto, Playboy and Voyage. Since February 2007 she has been the editor of the Polish edition of the National Geographic and National Geographic Traveler magazines. She is also a co-owner of the Martyna Adventure travel agency and a racing driver. She took part, among others, in the Paris-Dakar rally. She has participated in advertising campaigns such as Actimel, PZU, Timotei, Radio ZET and Orange Travel. Her daughter Mary was born on April 17, 2008. The child's father is Jerzy Błaszczyk, a diver and traveler. She climbed such mountains as Mont Blanc, Mont Everest and Kilimanjaro. She wrote books like "Move the horizon", "Woman at the end of the world" and "Ethiopia. What a buzz!". She has appeared in such films as: "How to do it with the girls" and "Everest- move the horizon". She also appeared in "the Guardian Angels". She provided her voice for the "Cars" movie. She has been awarded such prizes as "Beautiful in the network – the Roses Gala" - the "Gala" magazine's award, the "Woman of the Year 2009" award of the "Your Style" monthl, "MediaTory" – the Student Journalism Awards in the AkumulaTOR category and the Amber Butterfly Award of Arkady Fiedler for her book "The Woman at the end of the world 2". I hope that in the future I will also strive to fulfill my dreams, just like her.