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Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie) - American actress and singer of Mexican descent, grew up in Grand Prairie, Texas. She began to play cameos, after which the station decided to give Disney its main role of Alex Russo in the series "Wizards of Waverly Place. Recorded individual songs for Disney movies. In 2008 she signed a record deal with Hollywood Records. Also tries his hand as a fashion designer.
Her collection of Dream Out Loud, which occurs only in the chain stores K-mart is very popular. Since September 2009, serves as UNICEF Ambassador.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Selena Marie Gomez ( born dżulaj tłenti-sekund ( jesli masz skrót nd ) , najtin - ferty - tu in Grend Prejri ) - Amerikan akcztres and singer of Mexikan dezent, gru up in grend prejri , teksas . Shebegajn to play ejmos after łicz the stejszyn desajdyd to giv Disney its majn rol of Aleks Russo in the series " łizards od łerly plejs . Rekordet indiwiczual songs of disney mówies . In tłenti handret eit szi signet a rekord dil łif Holiwód Rekords . Olso czris his hend as a faszion designer . Her kolekszion of Drim out lołd , łicz okrus only in the czain stores K- mart is very popiulary . Sajenc September tłenti handret nine , serłes as unicef ambasador.
Selina Morie Gomez(born dzulaj tłenty tu ,najti najti tu in grien preire)Amerikan akczers end singer of meksikan disend grju apen en grand preri teksis.Szi began to plej kamirous after łicz de stejszon disajded to giw disnej its mejn rola of Aleks ruzso in de siris łizards of łejwerli plejs.Rikorded indewidzal songs of disnej muwis.In tłenti ełej szi sajnded rekord dil łif holiłud rekords.Also trajs his hend as e fasziosns dizajner.Hir kolekszions of dzrim ałt lord łicz ekorzon onlin in de czejn stories kiejmart is wery popjular sins september tłenty oł najn sors as junosanfejns basador.
Ferst apjuarded on de szoł Barni end frend of dzana.Łis de skawerd baj disnej at de ejdz tłelw jurs.In tłeny on siks szi got gast storing rol in de sekend sisoz of dad is not lajk de hotel.
As głen in de eposajd najtmor samer najt.Disnej disajed tu inwest to janger star.Girl plaing Aleks ruzso on de szoł łizards of łejwerli plejs.Szi plejd a mejdor rol in de muwie anoder sindirela story disnej czanel ordzinal muwie princess protekszon program filmed in płerto riko łif demi lowato end de łizards of łejwery plejs muwis.
In 2008 szi tuk party in de disnej czanel gejms.Selina in 2010 plej a mindzor rol in e muwi sinema end roman bizess .
In dżulaj 2011 łil bi premierde in mont ti karlo film prodekszons in łicz tomas bezeczi selina łil plej de mejn karakczer grejs.
Dalej mi się nie chce poradź sobie sam sama:)
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Began to sing in the children's series, Barney and friends. Then, after receiving a few minor roles in such shows as Disney, got his own series Wizards of Waverly Place. He sings a song from top drama "Everything Is Not What It Seems. " In one episode she sang together with David Henrie song "Make It Happen."