Proszę napisać kazde słowo osobno jak się wypowiada po Angielskui np. Steve McCurry macie napisać: Stejf Makkary.
Steve McCurry is a photographer and photo-journalist, who has won many prizes for his pictures and articles. In 1984 he was travelling in Afghanistan and Pakistan.There was a war in Afghanistan at the time and families were trying to escape to safer places.Steve wanted to show people the effects of war,and he was taking photos in a refugee camp when he saw a twelve-year-odl grild. Her expression was very striking, and Steve asked if he could photograph hrt. Steve's photo of the girl appeared on the cover of National Geographic.It became one of the most powerful photos in the history of the magazine.The girl's beautiful green eyes stared out at the world, frightened and definat.Her face became a moving anti-war symbol, and some people who saw the photo went to work in Afghanistan to help children there. Steve McCurry never forgot the girl.He didn't know her name.He only knew that she was an orphan.Steve often returned to Afghanistan for his work, and he always carried her photo.He was hoping to find her, or to hear news of her.Finally,Steve met a man who recognised the face of his neighbour, Sharbat Gula.After eighteen years,the photographer showed Sharbat her photo for the first time.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Stiw Makkary ys a fotografer end foto dżyrnalist hu hes łon meni prajzes for his pikczers end artikuls. yn najtin ejti for hi łos traweling in afganistan end pakistan. dere łos e łor yn afganistan et de tajm end familis łere trajing tu eskejp tu sejfer plejses. stiw łonted tu szoł pipol di efekts of łor end hi łos tejkin fotos in e refudż kamp łen hi soł e tłelw jer old gerl. her ekspreszyn łos wery stajking and stiw askd if hi kud fotograf her. stiws foto o de gerl epird on de kower of naszional dżiografik. it bikejm łan of de mołst pałerful fotos in de histry of de magazin. de gerls bjutiful grin ajs stard ałt et de łord, frajtend end definet. her fejs bikejm e muwing anti łor symbol end sam pipol hu soł de foto łent to łork in afganistam tu help czildren der. stiw makkary never forgot de gerl. hi dydynt noł her nejm. hi onli niu dat szi łos an orfon. stiwoften riternd to afganistan for his łork and he olłejs kerid her foto. he was hołping tu fajnd her or tu hir nius of her. fajnali, stiw met e men hu rekognajzd de fejs of his nejber, szarbat gula. after ejtin jers the fotografer szołd szarbat her foto fot de ferst tajm.
Stif makkuri is a fotografer end foto jurnalist , hu hes łon meny praizes for his pikczers end artikles . In naintineity for hi łas traweling in afganistan end pakistan . łder as a łor in afganistan et de taim end familis łer traing tu eskeip tu seifer pleises. stif łanted tu szo pipul de efekts of łor , end hi łas teiking foutos in e refudżi kamp łen hi saw a tłelw jer old girl . her exspeszyn łas wery straiking end stif ased if hi kold fotograf hrt . stifs foto of de girl aperd on de kower of naszional geografik . it bekam łan of de most pałerful fotos in de history of de magazin . de girls biutiful grin ais stared aut de łord fraitent end definat . her feis bekam e muwing anty- łor symbol end som pipul hu sał de łent tu łork in afganistan tu help czaildren der . stif makkery nawer forgot de girl . di didynt no her neim . hi only neł dat szi łas en orfan . stif often returned tu afganistan for his łork , end hi olłejs karid her foto . hi łas houping tu faind her or tu hir nius of her . finaly stif mit e men hu rekoginsted de feis of his naitbur , szarbat gula . after eitin jers de fotografer szołed szarbat her foto for de first taim