Proszę, żebyście przetłumaczyli mi na angielski: Moja mama ma na imię Anna, ma 45 lat. Nie pracuje. W wolnym czasie lubi czytać i oglądać telewizję. Mój tata ma na imię Zbigniew, ma 46 lat i pracuje jako kierowca tirów. Mój tata lubi zwierzęta, lubi chodzić na spacery i oglądać telewizję. Mój brat ma na imię Miłosz, ma 20 lat i studiuje. W wolnym czasie siedzi przy komputerze, spotyka się z kolegami lub jeździ rowerem.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My mum's name is Anna, she's 45. She hasn't job. In free time mum likes reading books and watching TV. My dad is Zbigniew and he's 46. He's job is truck driver. My dad likes animals, he likes going for walks and watching TV too. My brother is Miłosz, he's 20 and he's a student. In free time he plays computer games, meets with his friends or rides a bike.
My mom's name is Anna, is 45 years old. I do not work. In his spare time he enjoys reading and watching TV. My dad's name is Zbigniew, is 46 years old and works as a lorry driver. My dad likes animals, enjoys going for walks and watch TV. My brother's name, Milosz is 20 years old and studying. In his free time sitting at the computer, meet with friends or ride a bicycle.