Proszę 3 W zeszycie uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując w odpowiedniej formie podane wyrazy. 1 You're rather ?. Could you come here and give me a hand, please? HELPFUL 2 Cheating during tests is ? , and so is copying papers from the Internet. LEGAL 3 Mark was ? during the Maths test: he copied all the answers from me! HONEST 4 I make silly mistakes when I am ? and do homework without reading the instructions carefully. PATIENT 5 Ms Fury always listens to her students, so they're ? to her. RESPECT
1. Helpful
2. Illegal (ILLEGAL)
3. Dishonest
4. Impatient
5. Respectful
Napisałam Illegal w capslocku obok aby nie nastąpiła pomyłka, bo łatwo pomylić i z wielkiej litery i l z małej.