Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie tego tekstu i poprawinie go. Dzięki
I am Paweł. I am 18 years old and I from Poland (city Opole). My English is not very well, well my letter is not very long. I and my girlfriend are very big fans. I love your part in How I met your mother and Harold and Kumar). In Poland we have small problem access with watch(How I met Your mother), but it is not problem for me. I cannot wait for the next part. I wish You only success in the following career and life. My girlfriend have birthday and I want make surprise for her. She’s name is Joanna (I say on her Asiek, if You want use it, you can, then se believe me this autograph is from you special for she) Would it be possible to send me Mr autograph? I'm very concerned about this. If you send me letter for this address It will be awesome and legendary… I make for she big present with special thinks attributable with How I met Your mother. Maybe it is stupid, but If you can send this autograph, or special thinks for she, I will thanks you and she will be the happiest woman on the world. I suppose you read this letter.
PS. I buy pajamas look like suit. And if Mr. Patrick can collect autograph from all team of How I met your mother it will be amazing. Sory for my English. Now I learn this language only 3 years.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How I met your mother? Masz u mnie plusa :D
Więc do dzieła, poprawie to też w taki sposób, żeby stylistycznie ładnie wyglądało :)
Gdy piszesz jakieś osoby to wymień siebie jako ostatniego My girfriend and I.
Napisałem tam Legen........dary tak jak on to mówi, jak nie chcesz tego to usuń przerwę :)
I am Paweł and I am an 18 years old man, who lives in Opole in Poland. I don't speak English well so my letter is not very long. My girlfriend and I are big fans of How I met your mother and we love your part in that serial and at Harold and Kumar also. Poland has got a little problem with access to watch How I met your mother but it's not a problem for me. I can't/cannot wait for another part of this serial. I wish you the best in your career and your life. My girlfriend has got birthday soon and I want to make her suprise. Her name is Joanna (I call her Asiak. If you want you can you use it, then she would belive me that this was a special autograph for her). Is that possible to send me Your autograph? It's really important for me. Could you send me a letter with an autograph on my adress? It would be awesome and Legen.......dary. I want to make her a party with 'How I met Your mother' leitmotif. If you do this for me, my girlfriend will be the happiest woman in the world. I suppose you read that letter.
PS: I bought pajamas which looks like a suit. It would be amazing if Mr. Patrick could collect an autographs from 'How I met Your mother' team. Sorry for my English but I have been learing it for three years.