Prosiłbym o przetłumaczenie poniższego kawału na język angielski, tylko bez translatora. ------------ Na księżycu ląduje pierwsza amerykańska, załogowa ekspedycja. Nil Armstrong wychodzi ze statku, a tu nagle zza kamienia wyskakuje trzech gości - Chińczyk, Rusek i Polak. - Jak to tak ? - Amerykanin ma głupia minę. Chińczyk: - Nas jest dużo, brat podsadził brata i jestem. Rusek: - Nasza agentura spisała się na medal, i byliśmy szybsi. - No a Ty ? - pyta Amerykanin Polaka. - Daj mi spokój, z wesela wracam... --------------
At the first American moon landing, wet expedition. Nil Armstrong comes out of the ship, and suddenly jumps out from behind a stone three guests - Chinese, Rusek, and Pole. - How so? - American has a stupid face. Chinese: - Is a lot of us, brother, brother, and I'm podsadził. Rusek: - Our branch office wrote down on a medal, and we were faster. - Well, are you? - Asks American Pole. - Give me a break, come back from the wedding ..
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The first American, crew expedition is landing on the moon. Armstrong is resulting Nil from the ship, and here suddenly from behind the stone three guests are jumping out - the Chinese, the Russki and the Pole. - As it so? - the American has stupid I will pass. Chinese: - of us it is much, the brother gave the brother a leg up and I am. Russki: - our agency acquitted itself to the medal, and we were faster. - What about you? - an American is asking the Pole. - Leave me alone, from the wedding I am coming back...
- How so? - American has a stupid face.
- Is a lot of us, brother, brother, and I'm podsadził.
- Our branch office wrote down on a medal, and we were faster.
- Well, are you? - Asks American Pole.
- Give me a break, come back from the wedding ..