Prosiłabym, żeby mi ktos przetłumaczył na ang, ale zeby to nie było z google tlumacza itp.
Bruno Mars ma 25 lat. Jest piosenkarzem i wykonuje muzyke pop i R&B. Ma piękny głos. Jest średnego wzrostu i jest szczupły. Ma duże ładne oczy i uśmiech. Ma czarne włosy. Często nosi okulary słoneczne. Ubiera się najczęsciej w koszule w krate i jeansy. Jest sympatyczny. Ma duże poczucie humoru i jest bardzo miły.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Bruno Mars is 25 years old. He's singer and he's sing pop and R&B. He has a beautiful voice. He's medium height and he's slim. He has got big nice eyes and smile. His hair is black. He often wear sunglasses. He wears checkered shirt and jeans ussually. He's symphtatetic. He has big sense of humor and he's very nice.
Bruno Mars is 25 years old. He's singer of pop and R&B music. He has a beautiful voice. He's medium height and slim. He's got big nice eyes and smile. He's got black hair. He often wear sunglasses. He ussually wears shirt and jeans . He's symphtatetic. He has big sense of humor and he's very nice