1.Recenzja musi mieć tytuł(np.The Lord of the Rings)pamiętaj,że w tytułach słowa są pisane z dużej litery. Zacznij od faktów: a)jaki to typ filmu lub programu TV(np.comedy film) b)jacy aktorzy lub prezenterzy występują(np.Robert Patison is in it) 3.Opis o czym on jest(np.it is about animals) 4.Napisz swoją opinię dlaczego to lubisz np.I like it because It is funny and It is got fantastic special effect) Napisać recnzje filmu/programu
Max. 10 zdań. (jak się da ;d Bo minimum może być 6 no to 8 da się) Potrzebuje na jutro!
Grey's Anatomy. This is a series on ABC. It's medical and comedy. It is about surgeons and their work in Seattle Grace Hospital also about their private lives. Every day they save people's lives but sometimes they don't succed. Patrick Dempsey, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh and T.R. Knight are in it. I like this series, beacause I like watching doctors when they work. Sometines this series is very funny.
This is a series on ABC. It's medical and comedy. It is about surgeons and their work in Seattle Grace Hospital also about their private lives. Every day they save people's lives but sometimes they don't succed. Patrick Dempsey, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh and T.R. Knight are in it. I like this series, beacause I like watching doctors when they work. Sometines this series is very funny.