Mohon bantuannya ya .....1) Dahulu masyarakat desa gondang harus mohon bantuannya ya ...1) Dahulu masyarakat desa gondang harus mengadakan kenduri setiap1) Dahulu masyarakat desa gondang harus mengadakan kenduri setiap malam 1 syuro. Akan tetapi, pada saat ini kgiatan tsb sdh d tinggalkan karena di anggap kurang bermanfaat. Contoh pengendalian sosial tsb menunjukan adany salah satu fungsi pengendalian,yaitua) Mempertebal keyakinan masyarakat thdp peran nilai & norma b) meningkatkan peran norma sosial c) mengembangkan rasa malu d) mngembangkan rasa takut. 2) alfi di tuduh menyontek oleh temannya. Alfi membela diri saat di interogasi oleh gurunya. Ia mau membuktikan kemampuannya dengan cara soal ulangan harian yang baru. Sikap membela diri yang dilakukan alfi menunjukan adanya... a) pola hidup kondusif b) perubahan perilakuc) pengembalian reputasi d) perwujudan kualitas diri yang baik 3) 1) menjaga keamanan & ketertiban umum 2) mengatur kelancaran lalu lintas 3) melaksanankan penegakan hukum 4) melindungi & melayani masyarakat tertentu Tindakan di atas yang menunjukan tugas utama aparat kepolisisan adalah a) 1& 2 b) 1 & 3 c) 2 & 3 d) 3 & 4 4) pengendalian sosial yang efektif diterapkan kpd anak berusia 5 tahun dlm masyarakat tradisional adalah pemberian sugesti berupa a) mitos b) gosip c) takhayul d) geguritan 5) tokoh masyarakat dapat berperan sbg lembaga pengendali sosial karena mempunyai a) kekuasaan b) kekuatan c) pengaruh 6) penyebab tidak berfungsinya lembaga pengendalian sosial untuk mengatasi penyimpangan sosial yang terjadi dalam masyarakat adalah a) terjadi disintegrasi sosial b) pelaksanaan wewenang yang tidak sehat c) memudarnya nilai & norma d) keseimbangan sosial yang terganggu 7) pernyataan berikut dibutuhkan agar pengendalian sosial dapat berjalan secara efektif , kecuali a) keberagaman norma yang ada dlm masyarakat b) aparat penegak hukum yang tegasc) kehidupan masyarakat yg otonom d) masyarakat yg bersifat homogen 8) pengendalian sosial erat kaitannya dengan sistem hukum karena a) memiliki sanksi formal atau nonformal b) mmenerapkan norma formal untuk ditaati masyarakat c) mengalami perubahan sistem secara terus-menerus d) memotivasi kelompok untuk memiliki kualitas diri yg baik 9) seorang ibu yg menasehati anaknya untuk berhati-hati dalam bergaul agar tidak terjerumus pada hal-hal yang negatif. Contoh tersebut merupakan bentuk pengendalian sosial yg bersifat a) preventif b) persuasif 10 ) sekarang ini penjahat semakin berani melakukan aksi penodongan di tempat ramai pada waktu siang hari. Kasus yg menunjukan agen pengendalian sosial kurang berfungsi adalah a) polisi b) pengadilan c) satpol pp d) tokoh masyarakat
Mohon bantuannya ya & mohon m'f jika ada kesalahanmohon bantuannya ya & mohon m'f jika ada kesalahan pengetikkan Once upon time, roro anteng and joko seger lived on the foot of mount bromo. After six years of marriage, they had not had any children. Their prayers was granted on one condition. They should sacrifice their youngest son for the bromo crater. After sometime, roro anteng gave birth to a child and it happened every year until they had 25 children. They had happily and forgot about the agreement. Mount bromo then erupted signaling that the gods asked the couple to fulfil their promise .however, they didn’t want their youngest son, raden kusuma, to be sacrificed for the crater. Raden kusuma learned about the agreement his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from mount bromo’s crater had made the people living near the mountain suffer. Since raden kusuma was a kind and noble man, he didin’t want his family and other people to suffer because of, he went to mount bromo and sacrified himself. The eruption suddenly stopped.After that day, the tengger people have made offerings to the crater, as raden kusuma had sacrificed himself before. 1) why did roro anteng & joko seger have to sacrifice their youngest son? a) the youngest son was a noble man b) their son could stop the eruption c) they had promised to do that2) the story shows that roro anteng& joko seger ......... a) really loved raden kusuma b) let their son kill himself c) agreed to what their son did
Mohon bantuannya ya & mohon m'f jika ada kesalahan pengetikkan Once upon time, roro anteng and joko seger lived on the foot of mount bromo. After six years of marriage, they had not had any children. Their prayers was granted on one condition. They should sacrifice their youngest son for the bromo crater. After sometime, roro anteng gave birth to a child and it happened every year until they had 25 children. They had happily and forgot about the agreement. Mount bromo then erupted signaling that the gods asked the couple to fulfil their promise .however, they didn’t want their youngest son, raden kusuma, to be sacrificed for the crater. Raden kusuma learned about the agreement his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from mount bromo’s crater had made the people living near the mountain suffer. Since raden kusuma was a kind and noble man, he didin’t want his family and other people to suffer because of, he went to mount bromo and sacrified himself. The eruption suddenly stopped.After that day, the tengger people have made offerings to the crater, as raden kusuma had sacrificed himself before. 1) why did roro anteng & joko seger have to sacrifice their youbgest son? a) the youngets son was a noble man b) their son could stop the eruption c) they had promised to do that2) the story shows that roro anteng& joko seger ......... a) really loved raden kusuma b) let their son kill himself c) agreed to what their son did3) the moral value of story is ............... a) keeping our promises and unnecesssary b) parents must not promise to do anything c) all parents love their children d) we have to fulfil our promises
mohon bantuannya ya .... & jika ada kesalahan penulisan mohon di maklumi ya... A few days before the wedding, the princess had a bath in a pool behind the palace. In the water,she imagined the .....1).... of being the wife of a young and handsome king. While doing so, strong wind blew, making branches of trees fall off. Unluckily a medium-sized branch hit the princess’ nose and it ...2).... the princess held her bleeding nose and asked her ladies to bring her a mirror. Looking at her nose in the mirror, the princess cried, “ oh,, my nose!” her pointed nose became a snub. She tought she was no longer beautiful. She was very sad and cried. “oh, woe to me!” my marriage plan will fail. Would the king marry me with my ....3)...... ? oh, it should be canceled and.. he must look for another woman who is more beautiful than me. My parents will be very disappointed and embarrased if my marriage fails. Everyone in this kingdom must have known about my wedding,” thought the princess, who felt confussed about the situation . The princess kept thinking about her .....4)..... she wouldn’t dare to see the people who would be attending the party and looking at her with her broken nose. It would be very embarrasing and distressing for her and her parents. She could the nothing, except ....5)....... the princess became more ....6)....... while crying, she held up her hands and prayed “ oh god, punish me as i have embarrased and disappointed my parents” Soon after, a lightning ...7)..... above the kingdom, reflecting that god had heard her prayer. In the next few mooments, there were changes on the princess’s body, shocking her ladies . her ........8)...... suddenly became scaly, from her legs upwards. She changed into a big serpent! Her ladies, who waited on and assited her, tried to run, to avoid the serpent. The princess , who had turned into a serpent and still could talk, asked them to meet the king and queen, her parents, and tell them what had happended Soon, a number of the ladies rushed to the ......9)...... and told the king and queen what had happended to the princess. The king and the queen were shocked to hear the story and they walked hurriedly to the pool. Arriving at the pool, the king and queen didn’t see the princess, but .....10)..... , colling up the rock where the princess usually sat.ini pilihannya : a) wedding...... b) struck form c) a big serpent d) criede) bled f) palace g) happiness h) had funi) desperate j) broken nose k) regret l) flawless skin

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