Proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu na język polski, nie przez google tłumacz, bo to jestem w stanie zrobić :) daje duzo bo 60 punktów :) It's Your World! Every year for five years we've organised the It's Your World! competition for under-16s to give tips on how to save the planet. This year, Imran Chopra is our winner with Jake Burns and Leanne Morris as runners- up. Their tips are simple but effective Congratulations to Imran, Jake and Leanne! Theme: Reduce, refuse, reuse, recycle How many hours have you spent outside today? Outdoor activities are healthier than indoor entertainment and they save electricity. If you reduce your screen time, you'll do your planet a favour. So switch off lights, the TV and games consoles and get out there! Imran Chopra, London 'I haven't worn this for years!' No? Don't throw away old clothes. Put everything into two piles: clothes someone can wear and clothes no one can wear. Take the first pile to charity shops or give them to friends. Take the rest to a recycling centre. You can also reuse wool or cotton clothes to clean your house with Jake Burns,Winchester Refuse to buy products with a lot of plastic! Even better, write to the company and explain why you haven't bought their product. Also, when you buy food(for example, chocolate or cans of fizzy drinks), look for the Fairtrade symbol or support local companies. This doesn't have a bad effect on the environment and helps local communities. Leanne Morris, Newcastle

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