Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie dopasuj nazwy kataklizmów (A–F) do opisów (1–5). Jedną nazwę kataklizmu podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do żadnego opisu. A earthquake B forest fire C drought D avalanche E flood F hurricane 1 A ______________ is a very strong wind. ______________ Katrina of the 2005 was the worst one in the history of the United States. It was formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005. At least 1,836 people lost their lives and it is considered the largest natural disaster in the USA. 2 The great Mississippi ______________ began with heavy rains in the summer of 1926. The river covered 27,000 square miles of land with water. The disaster caused over $400 million in damage and killed 246 people in seven states. 3 An ______________ results from a sudden release of energy of the Earth. It makes the ground move and shake. The 2003 Bam ______________ was a tragic disaster that affected south-eastern Iran on December 26th, 2003. It was strong and destructive, with 26,271 people killed and another 30,000 injured. 4 In 1983 in Victoria (Australia), seventy-five people were killed in a ______________ which was so strong that people couldn’t stop or control it. The tragedy was caused by a very long period without a drop of rain. Victoria is famous for its dry climate and this made the damage even worse. It was the Southern Ocean that stopped the disaster. 5 The 1984 - 1985 ______________ in Ethiopia probably killed over one million people. The disaster resulted from a long dry period which affected farming and agriculture. People died because they had no plants to eat and no fresh water to drink.

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