It is difficult to clearly determine when and where there was a game, having something to do with today's football. Indeed, even before our era, in many cultures there is fun (more or less serious) involving digging or moving to a purpose, something resembling today's football. The ball served even a stuffed animal skin or blisters. Such practices used in China, Japan, Egypt and Greece. In the Middle Ages as a primitive football appeared on the streets of the cities where the "game" was involved the entire population. However, all these games and more like today's rugby.
However, football as we know it today, in large part is due to England. The particular its development took place in the seventeenth century, and fugitive years sought to football as we know it today. More and more often governed by the game, although they were not standardized. However, at that time, in contrast to the antiquity football really became a football (played only in the sense of the legs).
In the early nineteenth century to the growing number of emerging public school, football was introduced as a sport, thereby creating a team. Also, provisions have evolved and ujednolicały to those currently known. There was also split the wider football, this relies on playing only his legs and head, and is known today as rugby or American football. The first football club
October 24, 1857, one of the existing football clubs had already announced the "Rules & regulations" concerning the rules of the game in the past - one zPierwszy club piłkarskiSheffield Football Club. Inevitably, it is the oldest football club in the world. This date I consider to be the official start of football, and England is considered to be the cradle of modern football. A few years later, in 1857 was the first football association, bringing together 12 clubs from London and surrounding areas (No Names of Kilburn, Barnes, The War Office, Crusaders, Forest (Leytonstone), Percival House, Crystal Palace, Blackheath, Kensington School, Surbiton, Blackheath Proprietary School and Charterhouse) The Football Association formed - so was born the oldest national football federation. they said that the ball does not touch the hands. It was the club formed in 1855 in the mining town - Sheffield called July 20, 1871, the Secretary General of The Football Association proposed a game for all clubs affiliated to the relationship - so was born the oldest national football league in the world - The Football Association Cup. In the first season was attended by 15 clubs. In the final of the tournament Wanderers won the Royal Engineers 1-0 at the number of 2000 spectators.
Soccermost populargame in the world
Footballhas undergonea significantwayto becomewhat it istoday.He is widelyconsidered to bethe most popular sportin the world.Infootball.played by millions ofpeople, fromyoung childrenthrough tothe elderlypeople.Where did you getthephenomenon?Infootballeveryonecan play,no matterthe skillorphysical conditions.Peoplederivegreat joyfrom playingbecause thereisschematicandrequires bothphysical skillsandmental, on the otherhand, it isvery simple.In football,the responsibilityfor the outcomefalls on thenumber ofplayers andnot asemotionallychargedasindividual sports.Peopleidentify themselveswith the greatfootballerswho oftenstem frompoverty andmisery.Footballis a combination ofmany complexphysical and mentalskillslike;technique, strength, smoothmovement, concentration, intelligence andwit.On the fieldeveryone canfind andfind the rightforthe role.Thefootball gameissomethingof life,alwayssomething going on, there is nodowntime, andthe rules and regulationsare oftenflexible.Maybe it'sall the factorsthatinfluencethatfootballhas becomean international sport,breakingall barriers,adoredby fansandarousingso muchexcitementaround the world
It is difficult to clearly determine when and where there was a game, having something to do with today's football. Indeed, even before our era, in many cultures there is fun (more or less serious) involving digging or moving to a purpose, something resembling today's football. The ball served even a stuffed animal skin or blisters. Such practices used in China, Japan, Egypt and Greece. In the Middle Ages as a primitive football appeared on the streets of the cities where the "game" was involved the entire population. However, all these games and more like today's rugby.
However, football as we know it today, in large part is due to England. The particular its development took place in the seventeenth century, and fugitive years sought to football as we know it today. More and more often governed by the game, although they were not standardized. However, at that time, in contrast to the antiquity football really became a football (played only in the sense of the legs).
In the early nineteenth century to the growing number of emerging public school, football was introduced as a sport, thereby creating a team. Also, provisions have evolved and ujednolicały to those currently known. There was also split the wider football, this relies on playing only his legs and head, and is known today as rugby or American football.
The first football club
October 24, 1857, one of the existing football clubs had already announced the "Rules & regulations" concerning the rules of the game in the past - one zPierwszy club piłkarskiSheffield Football Club. Inevitably, it is the oldest football club in the world. This date I consider to be the official start of football, and England is considered to be the cradle of modern football. A few years later, in 1857 was the first football association, bringing together 12 clubs from London and surrounding areas (No Names of Kilburn, Barnes, The War Office, Crusaders, Forest (Leytonstone), Percival House, Crystal Palace, Blackheath, Kensington School, Surbiton, Blackheath Proprietary School and Charterhouse) The Football Association formed - so was born the oldest national football federation.
they said that the ball does not touch the hands. It was the club formed in 1855 in the mining town - Sheffield called
July 20, 1871, the Secretary General of The Football Association proposed a game for all clubs affiliated to the relationship - so was born the oldest national football league in the world - The Football Association Cup. In the first season was attended by 15 clubs. In the final of the tournament Wanderers won the Royal Engineers 1-0 at the number of 2000 spectators.
Soccermost populargame in the world
Footballhas undergonea significantwayto becomewhat it istoday.He is widelyconsidered to bethe most popular sportin the world.Infootball.played by millions ofpeople, fromyoung childrenthrough tothe elderlypeople.Where did you getthephenomenon?Infootballeveryonecan play,no matterthe skillorphysical conditions.Peoplederivegreat joyfrom playingbecause thereisschematicandrequires bothphysical skillsandmental, on the otherhand, it isvery simple.In football,the responsibilityfor the outcomefalls on thenumber ofplayers andnot asemotionallychargedasindividual sports.Peopleidentify themselveswith the greatfootballerswho oftenstem frompoverty andmisery.Footballis a combination ofmany complexphysical and mentalskillslike;technique, strength, smoothmovement, concentration, intelligence andwit.On the fieldeveryone canfind andfind the rightforthe role.Thefootball gameissomethingof life,alwayssomething going on, there is nodowntime, andthe rules and regulationsare oftenflexible.Maybe it'sall the factorsthatinfluencethatfootballhas becomean international sport,breakingall barriers,adoredby fansandarousingso muchexcitementaround the world