Present simple\ translate into English.
1. Gdzie pracujesz ? Parcuję w szpitalu. Jestem pielengniarką.
2. Anna mówi po angielsku i niemiecku
3. Gdzie mieszkają twoi rodzice ? Mieszkaja w Krakowie.
4. Czy ona lubi zwierzęta ? tak
5. Skąd pochodzisz ? Pochodzę z Portugali.
6. Czym się zajmujesz ? Paracuję jako weterynarz.
7. W jakich językach on mówi ?
8. Czym zajmuje się twój tata ? Paracuje jako kierowca.
9. Gdzie pracuje twoja mama ? Pracuje w sklepie jako sprzedawczyni.
10. Czy lubisz Australię? Tak.
11. Z ilu osób składa się twoja rodzina ? Składa się z 7 osób.
12. Co sądzisz o tych spodniach ?
13. Pracujesz na pełny etat czy na pół etatu ?
14. Ile zarabiasz ?
15. Dlaczego chcesz się ubiegać o tę pracę ?
16. Nie noszę niewygodnych ubrań.
17. Lubię ludzi, którzy są uprzejmi i godni zaufania.
18. Dojeżdżasz do pracy czy chodzisz pieszo ?
19. Nie czytam powieści.
20. Czy ta książka należy do ciebie ? Tak.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Where do you work? I work in hospital. I’m a nurse
2. Anna speaks English and German
3.Where do your parents live? They live in Krakow
4.Does she like animals? Yes, she does
5.Where are you from? I’m from Portugal
6.What do you do? I work as a vet
7.What languages does he speak?
8.What does your dad do? He works as a driver
9.Where does your mum work? She works in a shop as a seller.
10.Do you like Australia? Yes, I do
11.How many people does your family count? In my family there are 7 people.
12.What do you think about these trousers?
13.Do you have a full-time or part-time job?
14.How much do you earn?
15.Why do you want to apply for this job?
16.I don't wear uncomfortable clothes.
17.I like people who are friendly and trustworthy.
18.Do you commute to work or go on foot?
19.I don't read novels.
20.Does this book belong to you? Yes, it does
1. Where do you work? I work in a hospital. I'm a nurse.
2. Anna speaks English and German.
3. Where do your parents live? They live in Kraków.
4. Does she like animals? Yes, she does.
5. Where are you from? I'm from Portugal.
6. What do you do? I work as a vet.
7. What languages does he speak?
8. What does your father do? He works as a driver.
9. Where does your mother work? She works in a shop as a seller.
10. Do you like Australia? Yes, I do.
11. How many people does your family count? It counts 7 people.
How many people are there in your family? In my family there are 7 people.
12. What do you think about these trousers?
13. Do you have a full-time or a part-time job?
14. How much do you earn?
15. Why do you want to apply for this job?
16. I don't wear uncomfortable clothes.
17. I like people, who are affable and trustworthy.
18. Do you commute to work or go on foot?
19. I don't read novels.
20. Is this book yours? Yes, it is.
Does this book belong to you? Yes, it does.