The prefixes "un-" and "non-" are commonly used to form positive adjectives from negative adjectives.
The prefix "un-" is used to form the opposite of a word, indicating the absence or reversal of the quality that the base word represents. For example, "happy" becomes "unhappy" to indicate the opposite of happiness.
The prefix "non-" is used to indicate the absence or lack of something, but not necessarily the opposite. For example, "sense" becomes "nonsensical" to indicate the lack of sense or meaning.
The prefixes "un-" and "non-" are commonly used to form positive adjectives from negative adjectives.
The prefix "un-" is used to form the opposite of a word, indicating the absence or reversal of the quality that the base word represents. For example, "happy" becomes "unhappy" to indicate the opposite of happiness.
The prefix "non-" is used to indicate the absence or lack of something, but not necessarily the opposite. For example, "sense" becomes "nonsensical" to indicate the lack of sense or meaning.