Prawda, czy nieprawda? Popraw zdania fałszywe. ('new inspiration 1' s.35 z.2) 1.No one was working in Scrooge's office.
2.Bob Cratchit was Scrooge's nephew.
3.When Scrooge woke up he saw two men in his bedroom.
4.'You shouldn't change your life,' the first ghost said.
5.Three ghosts visited Scrooge.
6.'You only love my money,' the beautiful young woman was saying.
7.At the end of the story, Scrooge was happy.
HELP!! :P na jutro
dam najjj ;D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. falsz 2. falsz 3. prawda 4 falsz 5 prawda 6 prawda 7.falsz ;))
1. Everybody was working in Scrooge's office
2. dobrze
3. When Scrooge woke up he saw one men in his bedroom
4. You should change your life, ' the first ghost said
5. dobrze
6. dobrze
7. dobrze
Ja to miałem sprawdzone przez nauczyciela i dostałem 5