PRACT 00 AND Activity 1: Reading Comprehension Read the following dialogue carefully! Then answer the questions! Desi : Hello? Mother : Are you at the clinic?! Desi : Yes, Mom. I'm at the registration desk. Mother: Are there many people at the waiting room? Desi : Yes, Mom. There are five people. 2. Mother: Is there any empty seat? 3. Desi : No, there is not. There are three people who sit on the sofa. One man is standing. There is a girl in her wheel chair. Mother: Okay. Mom will go there later. Questions: 1. Based on the picture, where are the people? 2. How many people are at the waiting room? 3. How many people are sitting on the sofa? Are there female patients? How many? 4. Nilai 5. Is Desi's mother in the waiting room?
1. They are at the clinic.
2. There are five people at the waiting room.
3. There are three people who sit on the sofa.
4. ???
5. No, she is not.
Nomor 1 :
Saya nggak melihat fotonya, tapi kalau saya lihat dari teks yang kamu ketik, kira kira begini penjelasannya :
Mother : Are you ((at the clinic))?! — kamu ada di klinik?!
Desi : Yes, Mom. I'm at the registration desk. — Ya, Bu. Saya lagi ada di meja pendaftaran.
Yang berarti Desi dan orang2 yg lg menunggu itu berada di klinik
Nomor 2 :
ada di dialognya,
Mother: Are there many people at the waiting room?
Desi : Yes, Mom. ((There are five people.))
Nomor 3 :
ada di dialognya,
Desi : No, there is not. ((There are three people who sit on the sofa.)) One man is standing. There is a girl in her wheel chair.
Nomor 4 :
maaf saya gak paham maksud pertanyaan "Nilai"
Nomor 5 :
ada di dialognya,
Mother: Okay. Mom will go there later. (Oke. Ibu akan kesana nanti)
Ini menjelaskan kalau sang ibu belum di klinik
Sekian, semoga membantu ya.