wiadomości o napadach po angielsku
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Two elegant gentleman made one of the biggest robbery in British history. They stole jewelry worth 50 million pounds!
Surveillance camera filmed two men in suits entering the jewelry store in London. You can see how draw a gun and rob and then run away with the loot into the unknown. Police so far arrested one person in connection with the case. 50-year old man is currently being questioned recidivist. Scotland Yard did not disclose whether he put charges
To the event it came about 1.00 at night from Sunday for Monday. Two young men ordered the taxi from the centre of Cracow. A mother was supposed to pay for the course. There was no woman however. Men left the taxi in order after a moment to cause a disturbance between oneself. Worried with development of the situation the taxi driver for a moment left the car suddenly was attacked by assailants.
Po polsku
Do zdarzenia doszło około godziny 1.00 w nocy z niedzieli na poniedziałek. Dwóch młodych mężczyzn zamówiło taksówkę z centrum Krakowa. Za kurs miała zapłacić matka. Kobiety jednak nie było. Mężczyźni wyszli z taksówki, by po chwili wszcząć pomiędzy sobą awanturę. Zaniepokojony rozwojem sytuacji taksówkarz na chwilę wyszedł z samochodu nagle został zaatakowany przez napastników.