Poytzebuję pilnie tłumaczenia NA DZISIAJ!!!!
Pan......ma niebieskie włosy,duże zielone oczy i duże uszy. Nosi czerwoną czapkę i czerwone buty. Niebieską kurtkę i żółte spodnie. Jest bardzo pracowity,wesoły i symatyczny. Przyjaźni się ze ślimakami i wiewiórka . Boi się lisa i nietoperzy. Nie ma auta ani roweru. Wszędzie chodzi pieszo. Lubi grać w piłkę,słuchac spiewu ptaków i spotykac się z przyjaciolmi. Jego domu nikt nie znajdzie . Jest ukryty w trawie pod drzewami. Ma malutkie okienka,czerwone drzwi i wysoki komin. W srodku jest sypialnia. Stoi tam łózko,komoda i szafki nocne. Pan .....przesypia tam całe dnie. W malutkiej niebieskiej kuchni zjada wieczorem śniadanie Nie ma w domu łazienki-myje się w stumyku. I rusza do pracy. Do pracy potrzebuje farb i pędzli. W nocy kiedy wszyscy śpią ,maluje lesne owoce. Poziomki i maliny na czerwono. Jagody na niebiesko. A jezyny na czarno
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Mr. . . . . . . has blue hair, big green eyes and large ears. She wears a Red cap and redshoes. The blue jacket and yellow trousers. It is very hardworking, cheerful and helpful.Friendship with snails and squirrel. Afraid of lisa and bats. There is no car or bicycle. It'severywhere on foot. He likes to play ball, listen to singing birds and spotykac with friends. Hishome no one will. Is hidden in the grass under the trees. It has a tiny window, red doors andhigh chimney. In the middle is the bedroom. There is a bed, chest of drawers and bedsidetables. Mr. . . . she slept her there all day. In the tiny blue kitchen eats in the evening, breakfast is not at home bathrooms-washed in stumyku. And moves to work. To work itneeds paint and brushes. At night when everyone is sleeping, he paints the forest fruits.Strawberries and raspberries in red. Blue berries. And a Blackberry Black
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Mr. ...... has blue hair, big green eyes and big ears. He wears a red cap and red shoes. Blue jacket and yellow pants. It is very hard-working, cheerful and symatyczny. Friendship with snails and squirrel. He is afraid of the fox and bats. There is no car or bicycle. Everywhere it on foot. He likes to play soccer, listen to the birds singing and hanging out with friends. His house no one will find. It is hidden in the grass under the trees. It has tiny windows, a red door and a tall chimney. In the middle of a bedroom. There stands a bed, chest of drawers and bedside tables. Mr. ..... slept there all day. The tiny blue kitchen eating breakfast in the evening at home is no bathroom-washed in stumyku. I go into work. The work needs paint and brushes. At night when everyone was asleep, he paints Forestry fruit. Strawberries and raspberries in red. Blueberries on blue. A blackberry black.
Nie wiem czy dobrze sam/a oceń ;) Pozdrawiam//Wika ;*