napisz list do kol z Angli, ktorego zaprosilens na wakacje, Zawrzyj nast, inf :przepros ze nie odbierzesz go/jej z dworca i podaj powód, doradz czym dojedzie do cb i podaj czas podróży, zaproponuj 2 formy spedzania wolnego czasu w Polsce, porafdz jakie ubrania i sprzet powinien/powinna ze soba zabrac. tekst powinien zawierać ok 120-150 słów.
Z góry dzięki ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi John!
What's up? I'm writing to tell you, that I can't pick you up from bus station. Unfortunately my mother broke her ankle and i have to take care of her. But don't worry, you can take a taxi or take a bus. I'm sure, that the bus is going from the bus station at ten, so I hope it's not a problem for you. When you arrive, we can go to the cinema, to see some movies with Brad Pitt, because in my town is a "Week with Brad Pitt". We can also if you want have a picnic, because the weather is going to be great! I think you should take a blanket from home, because I don't have any blankets (my sister took all of them when se moved to LA). I can't wait to see you. XYZ