Potrzebuje tłumaczenia na angielski tego tekstu w czasie past simple i past continous. Można trochę pozmieniac zdania żeby były bardziej logiczne jakby coś nie pasowało :) DAJĘ NAJ !
W te ferie zimowe nie nudziłam się. Pojechałam do kuzynki już pierwszego dnia.
W poniedziałek pojechałyśmy do kina (ponieważ moja kuzynka mieszka na wsi). Spotkałysmy tam jej koleżanki. Mimo że było zimno, bawiłysmy się świetnie.
We wtorek zostałyśmy w domu. Spałyśmy do południa, a później grałysmy na komputerze.
Środa była najciekawsza. Wstałyśmy o 10 rano, zjadłyśmy śniadanie i pojechałyśmy na lodowisko. Poznałam tam kolegów mojej kuzynki. Chodziliśmy razem i nagle oni wrzucili nas w śnieg. Byłysmy całe mokre.
W czwartek i piątek pisałam z koleżankiami i sprzątałam pokój.
W sobotę oglądałyśmy filmy, a wieczoram odwiedziłyśmy babcię.
Do domu wróciłam w niedzielę wieczorem, a drugi tydzień ferii spędziłam w łóżku, ponieważ byłam przeziębiona.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Tekst w Past Simple:
In these winter breaks I didn't bore. I went to my cousin already first day.
On Monday we went to cinema ( because my cousin lives in the village). We met her friends there. By that cold, we played great.
On Tuesday we became in house. We slept by noon and later we played on computer.
Wednesday was the most interesting. We got up about 10 a.m , we ate breakfast and we went on ice rink. I met my cousin's friend's there. We walked together and they threw in us in snow suddenly. We were whole wet.
On Thursday and Friday I wrote with friends and I cleaned room.
On Saturday we looked at films and we visited with evenings grandmother.
I to house came back on Sunday evening and I spent second week of breaks in bed, because I suffered from a cold.
Tekst w Past Continuous :
In these winter breaks I wasn't boring. I was going to my cousin already first day.
On Monday we were going to cinema ( because my cousin lives in the village). We were meeting her friends there. By that cold, we were playing great.
On Tuesday we were becoming in house. We were sleeping by noon and later we were playing on computer. Wednesday was the most interesting. We geting up about 10 a.m , we were eating breakfast and we were going on ice rink. I was meeting my cousin's friend's there. We were walking together and they threw in us in snow suddenly. We were whole wet.
On Thursday and Friday I was writing with friends and I was cleaning room.
On Saturday we were looking at films and we were visiting with evenings grandmother.
I were coming back to house on Sunday evening and I was spending second week of breaks in bed, because I was suffering from a cold.
Mam nadzieję,że będzie dobrze.