October 2018 1 12 Report

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footballers strain their ankles
swimmers bust their lungs
dancers rip their feet
gymnasts break their bones
athletes tear their muscles
and equestrians well .. it's hard to say
because equestrians live in a completely diffrent world
that nobody understands.
equestrians do not sleep because they stay awake listening to their partner.
during the day equestrians live 5 feet far from the ground
on top of a 1200 pound creature that has a mind, body and soul of its own.
equestrians speak different language
a language built in silence
not everyone is able to hear the silence
not everyone is capable of trusting completely
on an animal that can kill you with its own body
but an equestrian is no ordinary person
and a horse is not ordinary animal
equestrians find a friend in that powerful creature
they know how to trust , listen, understand , forgive ,
we equestrians and our friend ,
break a sweat
drop tears
strain muscles
break bones
but above all
we risk our life
thought , at the end of the day
we always know
our friend will be with us until the end
and that the passion will never stop flowing in our veins
and it's because of all this
that we are proud to say that
we are equestrians

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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