August 2018 1 17 Report
Potrzebuje przetlumaczenia tekstu na angielski..Oto tekst:

W Moim Miescie wroclawiu znajduje się duzo zabytkow, galerii, parkow. Głowne zabytki to kościół garnizonowy, ratusz, panorama raclawicka i hala stulecia.
Czeka na Ciebie wiele miejsc do zwiedzania. Wroclaw jest Duzy i nie znudzi Ci się.
W centrum znajduje się rynek i wiele sklepow, w których możesz kupic ciuchy, sprzet TV i zrobic zakupy. W Rynku znajduje się Ratusz, który jest z XIX wieku. Często odbywaja się na rynku imprezy np. muzycznych, sportowych. Za rok we Wroclawiu będzie stadion, jeden z wiekszych w Europie.
Miasto bierze udzial w imprezie Euro 2012. Wszyscy się z tego ciesza.
Jutro zostanie otwarty nowy największy w Polsce Aquapark. Polecam Tobie tam isc. Bilety kosztuje od 14 zl do 18 zl.
Nie zapomnij odwiedzić nowego kina w Galleri Magnolia. Graja tam wiele filmów, wieczorami bilety sa 2 razy tansze.
Polecam Tobie hotel Mariot. Jest on największy i najlepszy we Wroclawiu.
Mysle ze pomogłem. Czesc.

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1 Read the text. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens is one of England’s most famous writers. He lived from 1812 to 1870 and he wrote fifteen major novels and lots of short stories. There are over 180 TV and film adaptations of his books. Some of his most famous books are Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in the south of England, but the family moved to London when he was ten years old. He had a difficult childhood. His father spent a long time in prison and Charles had to work in a factory from the age of twelve. Later his family received money from his father’s family and their life became better. Charles studied law but he hated it and became a journalist. This was when he started writing his books. Dickens’s books are wonderful pictures of life in the big city of London at that time and are full of amazing characters. These characters are often very sad and very funny at the same time. Dickens wrote a lot about poor people and he wanted to show what life was like for them, so his characters’ lives are not very happy. But Dickens’s way of writing is very clever and funny and the characters can make us laugh! Charles Dickens had ten children but his marriage wasn’t very happy. He died in 1870 and is buried in Westminster Abbey. Some people say he was one of the greatest writers in history. It is certainly true that his books are as interesting today as they were when he first wrote them. 2 Answer the questions. 1 When and where was Charles Dickens born? _____________________________________ 2 Why was his childhood difficult? _____________________________________ 3 What was his first job? _____________________________________ 4 What are his books about? _____________________________________ 5 How old was he when he died? _____________________________________ Mark /10 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A person from Sweden is _______. 2 A person from Japan is _______. 3 A person from Britain is _______. 4 A person from Australia is _______. 5 A person from France is _______. Mark /5 4 Complete the text with the correct words. My grandfather was 1_______ in 1935. He 2_______ as a teacher when he was 22 and he met my grandmother when he was 25. They got 3_______ two years later. My grandfather taught all his life until he 4_______ when he was 65. Sadly, he 5_______ in 2004. Mark /5 5 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in the box. do win teach go read speak get 1 Our team _______ the school basketball competition last Saturday. 2 Last month I _______ an interesting book about Martin Luther King. 3 My cousin _______ a job at the new supermarket yesterday. 4 Janine _______ to New York for two weeks last year. 5 I _______ some of my homework before breakfast this morning. 6 Miss Parker _______ us about some famous English writers last week. 7 My teacher _______ to my parents about my schoolwork last night. Mark /7 6 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. 1 _______ (you go) to the film club last Wednesday? 2 _______ (you write) an e-mail to James last night? 3 I don’t want lunch today because I _______ (have) a big breakfast this morning. 4 I _______ (buy) the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive. 5 Mum _______ (cook) last night. We went to a restaurant. 6 _______ (Stuart see) Karen yesterday evening? She wanted to speak to him. 7 We _______ (go) to the cinema last Friday. Mark /7 7 Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in the box. visit be do not have give go Last Saturday 1_______ my birthday. I 2_______ a party but Anna and I 3_______ to London for the weekend. We 4_______ some museums and Anna 5_______ some shopping. She 6_______ me an MP3 player for my birthday! Mark /6
Pre prostych zadań...Prosze o szybkie rozwiązanie. 1. Read the text. Two days in Paris Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant! Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work. On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Amy. It’s very good and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was lovely and we have some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 2 Are the sentences true or false? 1 The writer travelled to Paris by car. ____ 2 The weather was good when they arrived. ____ 3 Their hotel was near the River Seine. ____ 4 An artist painted a picture of the writer. ____ 5 The writer stayed in Paris for three days. ____ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Can you buy me some stamps at the _______ office, please? 2 There are two art _______ in our town. 3 You can get some information about festivals at the tourist information _______. 4 The police _______ is opposite the supermarket. 5 They’re opening a big department _______ in the town centre soon. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box. parked, explained, ordered, repaired, watched 1 They _______ their car outside our house. 2 The police officers _______ the situation. 3 The mechanic _______ the dent very quickly. 4 She _______ a good programme on TV last night. 5 We looked at the menu and then we _______ our meal. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb to be. 1 There _______ any students in the school before 8.30 a.m. yesterday morning. 2 Is Anna ill? She _______ in class yesterday. 3 My eyes _______ very tired after all that computer work yesterday. 4 Why _______ you late home last night? 5 _______ your dad at the match on Sunday? 6 We _______ in Ireland on holiday last year. 7 Frankie _______ the best student at English last term. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Tina _______ (stay) in bed all day yesterday. She was very ill. 2 They _______ (close) the shop at 7.30 p.m. last night. 3 My mum _______ (hurry) to work this morning because she was late. 4 I _______ (watch) an interesting programme on TV yesterday. 5 My parents _______ (decide) to order a pizza for dinner last night. 6 We all _______ (pass) the test easily. 7 We _______ (study) at the same school three years ago. 8 I _______ (wait) for my friends at the bus stop after school. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets. 1 I _______ (can) hear the music. I _______ (be) a long way from the stage. 2 The test _______ (be) very difficult yesterday. I _______ (can) do it. 3 Yesterday I _______ (can) find my homework. It _______ (be) on the floor! 4 _______ (can) you understand the questions? I think they _______ (be) very easy. 5 I _______ (can) swim when I _______ (be) a baby. Writing (krótko prosze) 9 Imagine someone from work phoned to speak to your father. He’s out. Write a phone message for your father. Include the following information: • who phoned? • what’s the message? • what’s his/her number?
It’s party time! Children’s parties are getting very expensive in the UK today. Everyone likes a party, especially when it’s a child’s birthday. A birthday is a very important day in the year. Children love the presents, the cards and the party. The problem is… the money. It’s like a competition for the children and the parents. The children want to invite ALL their friends, not only one or two. They want a big cake not a small one, new clothes and wonderful games. They want their party to be special. The parents have to spend a lot of money on all these things. Some parents pay a party planner to organise their child’s party. That is very expensive. It is very popular today to have a special children’s show at the party. This is fun and the children love it but it is also expensive. There is usually a lot of food and drink at the party for the children AND their parents. And the birthday child often gives presents to all his/her friends when they go home. A lot of money! Matt Kelsall and his wife are organising a party for their daughter, Katy. ‘It’s crazy,’ says Mark. ‘But all her friends have big, expensive parties and we have to organise a big party too! She’s only three years old. What about when she’s a teenager?!’ 2 Choose the best answer. 1 Today on their birthday children like A to go out with a lot of friends. B to invite a lot of friends to a party. 2 Parents pay a party planner to A give a special show. B organise the party. 3 At parties today A there are lots of children. B there are lots of children and lots of parents. 4 Matt is organising a big party because A all his daughter’s friends have big parties. B he wants to give his daughter a big party. 5 Matt’s daughter is A a teenager. B very young.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct answers. 1 Mark’s got a lot of white _______. A skirts B shirts 2 I usually wear a _______ when it’s cold. A jacket B t-shirt 3 When it’s raining I wear long _______. A trainers B boots 4 Bill doesn’t have to wear _______ to work. A socks B a tie 5 My sister always wears the same pink _______ to parties. It’s horrible! A dress B tracksuit 4 Complete the text with the correct words in the box. audience bands stage festival play The Harmer Arts 1_______ is always at the end of June. And they usually have some excellent 2_______. They 3_______ on a big 4_______ in Downford Park. The people in the 5_______ often stay in the park overnight and sleep on the grass! It’s a great weekend! 5 Make questions for these answers with the words in brackets. 1 She’s talking to the new student. (who) _________________________________ 2 I’m reading a fashion magazine. (what) _________________________________ 3 He’s sitting at a table with his friends. (where) _________________________________ 4 He’s going to school. (where) _________________________________ 5 I’m smiling because I’m happy! (why) _________________________________ 6 She’s wearing my skirt! (what) _________________________________ 6 Complete the sentences with the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 _______ (you wait) for Jackie? She’s in the canteen. 2 He’s busy. He _______ (work) on the computer at the moment. 3 I _______ (go) to school today. I’m ill. 4 He _______ (do) his homework. He’s out with his friends. 5 Do you want the dictionary? I _______ (use) it. 6 It _______ (rain) again. I hate this weather. 7 Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1 My friend _______ play the guitar but he’s not very good! 2 I _______ play tennis very well but I’m a good swimmer. 3 My grandad _______ use the Internet very easily. It’s difficult for him. 4 _______ you cook Italian food? 8 Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs from the adjectives in the box. good quick bad slow 1 I don’t play chess very _______. I usually lose! 2 We always walk home _______ because we chat a lot! 3 The teacher speaks very _______ and I can’t always understand her. 4 I have to practise my English. I write it so _______. 1 0 Imagine you are organising a party for a club you go to. Write an invitation. Include this information: • the time and place • the type of party • some extra information about food, clothes or activities

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