Potrzebuje po angielsku Gdzie żyją delfiny ,jak wyglądają, czym się żywią,jak się zachowują i co najbardziej umieją..Proszę o pomoc na jutro!!!!
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Dolphins are sea creatures, contrary to the popular belief, they are not fish, but infact mammals. They are mostlyy gray with a back fin sometimes confused with that of a shark, thay have a long snout full of teeth. They live in warm waters. The are very playfull and friendly. They mostly feed on fish. The are known for their almost acrobatic abilities, they are known to jump from the water in to the air.
Dolphins live in seas both hemispheres . They eat fish, squid and crustaceans . They are quiet, they communicate by sounds. They can to a lot of tricks , they can help other sick dolphins or even humans.