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my favourite dish is tortilla wraps. I love chicken and I like all meals that contains it, but this one I like the most. to prepare it you need chicken filets, cucumber, tomatoe, tortilla pie,iceber lettuce, cheese and garlic sauce. you need to cut chicken into pies and fry them with spices. then on each pie of torrilla you need to put these pieces of chicken and slice of cheese, tomatoe, cucumber and lettuce. then you need to warm it on frying pan. the last stept is to pour the garlic sauce into it.
moje ulubione danie to tortilla. uwielbiam kurczaka i lubie wszystki potrawy ktore go zawieraja ale ta najbardzie. potrzebujesz piersi kurczaka ogorek pomidor tortille lodowa salate ser i sos czosnkowy. kroisz kurczaka smazysz na patelni z przyprawami. potem do kazdje tortilli wkladasz kurczka plasterek sera ogorka pomidora i salaty. potem smazysz to na patelni. ostatnie co musisz zrobic to polac to sosem czosnkowym