Black rhino, rhino wąskopyski, rhino ordinary, (Diceros bicornis) - rhinoceros found in southern and eastern Africa, an area of Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, in addition reintroduced in Botswana, Malawi, Swaziland and Zambia . Extinct in Chad, Cameroon, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and probably [3]. Body length black rhino is 3-3,75 m and tail length - 0.7 m height at the withers, 1.4-1.5 m length of the front corner of the males and females up to 55 cm. Body weight of these animals is 0,8-1,4 t gestation lasts 460 days. Birth weight is 40 kg. Reach sexual maturity at age 5 years and life expectancy is 40-50 years. Despite its solid appearance of the black rhino is running pretty quickly. It is able to charge at a speed of 50 km / h But because he does not see much of a distance greater than 30 m and is guided by only the smell, the most effective means of avoiding the charge is to implement a last-minute pitch to the side. There is a strict herbivore, which can absorb large daily amount of food with a mass equivalent to about 2% of its weight. Gripping the upper lip can easily break the leaves and woody twigs. Rubs them wide and flat molars. He eats the spikes of up to 10 cm in length. Rhino does not chew, like the bacterial fermentation in the horse speeds up digestion in the small woody plants. Like many other herbivores savannah, rhinoceros black bathing in mud or dust, to freshen up, and free from parasites. Its very thick skin is covered with sensitive skin, the skin which attracts the insects feeding on the blood, such as mosquitoes. Mud layer not only protects against mosquitoes - dries, crushes the ticks. Scraping dried mud of a rhinoceros spiky undergrowth. The size of these animals in less than 10 years decreased to several hundred individuals [4].RhinoPregnancylasts about15-16months.Theworldcomes onlya single young, whichweighan average of35-50kg.Blackrhinosreach sexual maturityat age7 years -malesand femalesat the age of5 years. In 1900 thepopulationof blackrhinoin Africa,probably counted100 000individuals.In the late '60sTwentieth centurythe populationhad decreased to70 000, and in1981there wereonly 10-15thousand.In 1990,droppedto 2,500in 1995to2410individuals.Currently,the trendis the growingpopulation.Since 2006there has been nolivingrepresentative of theWest Africansubspecies ofD.bicornislongipes, and in 2011was declaredextinct. Rhinoceroshorn- hisbest weapon-was leading toits totaldestruction, and thatbecause of itsimportanceto man.InOriental medicinerecognizedforpowderedrhinohornasa remedy forliver, heart,skin, kidney, as wellas an excellentaphrodisiac.
Bodycolorgray, massive,heavy,covered withthick skin, almostentirelydevoid ofhair,pillar-likelimbs,canister shapes, culminatinghooves.In the areaof nasalhornone or twospurs, the firstdeposited onthe nasal bone, the second (if any)on thefrontal bone.Eyes andearssmall.Skinwithoutsebaceous and sweat glands, dividedon a harddisc.
Mainlynocturnallifestyle.They livemostlyalone,in pairsorfewerfamilies (femaleyouth).The femaleafter 13-16-monthpregnancyraisesoneyoungevery 3-4 years.They live insavannahand scrubin Africa andSoutheast Asia.
In the nineteenthcentury,rhinoswere classified toordergruboskórych, alongwith elephantsandhippos,are among thecurrentrowgruboskórców(Ceratomorpha).
nosorożec czarny:
Black rhino, rhino wąskopyski, rhino ordinary, (Diceros bicornis) - rhinoceros found in southern and eastern Africa, an area of Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, in addition reintroduced in Botswana, Malawi, Swaziland and Zambia . Extinct in Chad, Cameroon, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and probably [3]. Body length black rhino is 3-3,75 m and tail length - 0.7 m height at the withers, 1.4-1.5 m length of the front corner of the males and females up to 55 cm. Body weight of these animals is 0,8-1,4 t gestation lasts 460 days. Birth weight is 40 kg. Reach sexual maturity at age 5 years and life expectancy is 40-50 years. Despite its solid appearance of the black rhino is running pretty quickly. It is able to charge at a speed of 50 km / h But because he does not see much of a distance greater than 30 m and is guided by only the smell, the most effective means of avoiding the charge is to implement a last-minute pitch to the side. There is a strict herbivore, which can absorb large daily amount of food with a mass equivalent to about 2% of its weight. Gripping the upper lip can easily break the leaves and woody twigs. Rubs them wide and flat molars. He eats the spikes of up to 10 cm in length. Rhino does not chew, like the bacterial fermentation in the horse speeds up digestion in the small woody plants. Like many other herbivores savannah, rhinoceros black bathing in mud or dust, to freshen up, and free from parasites. Its very thick skin is covered with sensitive skin, the skin which attracts the insects feeding on the blood, such as mosquitoes. Mud layer not only protects against mosquitoes - dries, crushes the ticks. Scraping dried mud of a rhinoceros spiky undergrowth. The size of these animals in less than 10 years decreased to several hundred individuals [4].RhinoPregnancylasts about15-16months.Theworldcomes onlya single young, whichweighan average of35-50kg.Blackrhinosreach sexual maturityat age7 years -malesand femalesat the age of5 years.
In 1900 thepopulationof blackrhinoin Africa,probably counted100 000individuals.In the late '60sTwentieth centurythe populationhad decreased to70 000, and in1981there wereonly 10-15thousand.In 1990,droppedto 2,500in 1995to2410individuals.Currently,the trendis the growingpopulation.Since 2006there has been nolivingrepresentative of theWest Africansubspecies ofD.bicornislongipes, and in 2011was declaredextinct. Rhinoceroshorn- hisbest weapon-was leading toits totaldestruction, and thatbecause of itsimportanceto man.InOriental medicinerecognizedforpowderedrhinohornasa remedy forliver, heart,skin, kidney, as wellas an excellentaphrodisiac.
Bodycolorgray, massive,heavy,covered withthick skin, almostentirelydevoid ofhair,pillar-likelimbs,canister shapes, culminatinghooves.In the areaof nasalhornone or twospurs, the firstdeposited onthe nasal bone, the second (if any)on thefrontal bone.Eyes andearssmall.Skinwithoutsebaceous and sweat glands, dividedon a harddisc.
Mainlynocturnallifestyle.They livemostlyalone,in pairsorfewerfamilies (femaleyouth).The femaleafter 13-16-monthpregnancyraisesoneyoungevery 3-4 years.They live insavannahand scrubin Africa andSoutheast Asia.
In the nineteenthcentury,rhinoswere classified toordergruboskórych, alongwith elephantsandhippos,are among thecurrentrowgruboskórców(Ceratomorpha).